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1973 No. 1973 [Edit]
Somebody seems to have started a dedicated campaign of hate towards the person I love most.

Maybe some here will know what I'm talking about, but where and by whom this is being done isn't the point here so I won't discuss it.

The point is, somebody has decided they hate Remilia and is making a lot of fuss about it. One of the things I love most about Remi is how she puts on this whole air of power and dignity which in reality isn't really backed up by a lot of fact. This person is using that as their main focus of their attack on Remilia's character.

I don't normally get worked up about things like this. People have opinions, and some people like to troll, but this person I feel has crossed a line.

I'm feeling very frustrated and upset over this and don't know how to deal with it. I can't just ignore it, because I'll know deep inside that it's still going on and I can't stand knowing that.

If this thread seems too much of a blog post then you can post similar experiences of your own here. I'm sure many of you have felt this way at times.
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>> No. 1974 [Edit]
I could type an essay here, but I'm sure everybody knows the pure hatred I've felt towards those who insult the one I cherish most.

I understand why you are angry, I believe your feelings are just and show how much you love and care for her.
>> No. 1975 [Edit]
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Take it from the guy who has the most hated Touhou character as his waifu; it's not a big deal. I have seen people say flat-out that Tenshi is a horrible addition and there is no point to her existing. I've seen more doujins of her being raped and beaten than I have of her being loved. It's depressing that the girl I love most in the world seems to be despised by everyone else. But what does getting angry get me? No matter how harsh it is, it's their opinion, and I can't do anything about it. As long as I know that I love her, that's more than enough.
>> No. 1976 [Edit]
>the most hated Touhou character
I thought that was tewi.

If it helps, I for one have always thought of Tenshi as one of the cutest touhous.
>> No. 1977 [Edit]
It's kind of interchangeable, but people mainly love to hate Tewi. People just hate Tenshi.
>> No. 1978 [Edit]
I personally think that Remilia and Tenshi are both adorable and anyone who hates them are idiots
>> No. 1979 [Edit]

I like Tenshi. I can't see why anyone would hate her.


Yes, thank you for saying that.
>> No. 1981 [Edit]
I guess that explains why you didn't think I'd take that one thing as hard as I did, with Tenshi being hated on as much as she is, I just never knew... I think I should be apologizing to you for my outburst knowing the circumstances.

I may not know that much about Tenshi, but if someone loves her as much as you do, then all those haters must have no taste in women.
>> No. 1983 [Edit]
Well, she caused an earthquake just because she was bored. I can't see why anyone would hate Remilia, though. Just because she's arrogant? Really?

As a wise man, once said: "Haters gonna hate."

It's fine, I don't really hold grudges.

Well yeah
>> No. 1985 [Edit]
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Ah, yeah, That guy. I noticed one of his threads today, didn't think much of it until I saw this thread. I guess he's been at it for a while...anyway I couldn't tell if he was trolling or being serious, but either way he's a fucking idiot for going out of his way like that.

I hope we're on the same page here, I have a feeling I might be thinking of someone else completely.

And yes, I know how it feels to have your waifu insulted/disgraced/etc in front of you while you can do little about it. I know it all too well. Too goddamned well.

I guess it's time to tell my story.
>> No. 1988 [Edit]
Miku might be a popular and well liked character, but nobody achieves fame without creating more than a few haters along the way. Over the years, I've seen plenty of people say a variety of negative things about her, comments like "her voice is shit" or "she's a terrible choice for a waifu", that I've been able to shrug off. Then there's the times where things got real bad, such as the times when haters broke out the erotic pictures, especially the ones involving her being abused...I always tried to block those out of my memory. Things like that, when used to insult your significant other, things that you have no control over, those always cut the deepest. But the one thing that cuts deeper then that is when they decide to make it personal.

I used to play Eve Online with /v/'s corp, the ironically named "Broski Enterprises". I was there with them since the corp was founded, back in January 2009. At the same time, the bro meme was at an all time high on /v/. I didn't know about the other boards at that point because back then I just stuck to /v/. I bought into the whole "We true bros" shit more than I should have. I trusted them when I shouldn't have, but I did anyway, because there was no way I could've even imagined back then how the corp would end. Like all things /v/ related, the corp died. It managed to last nearly a year, when at first most people, including myself, believed that Broski would be dead in a matter of weeks after it was founded. I stayed as long as I did because the first few months were the best times I've had in Eve Online, or any online game for that matter. Even after things started going downhill I stuck around hoping those days would return. They never really did, and in December of that year, everything came crashing down hard in a gigantic shitstorm only /v/ could create.

During that same year, the end of July to be specific, I fell in love with Miku, and being relatively new to the waifu thing at the time I didn't think it would be a bad idea to let my corpmates know. None of them thought I was serious at first, because they all saw waifus as either a joke or just some character they like to fap to. I didn't realize that I had made a huge fucking mistake until December, when the same corpmates who I trusted and who I thought would be fine with me being a waifufag decided to make their true opinion well known.

And they showed absolutely no remorse...and they knew how to hit me the hardest...

I never knew that much terrible terrible art of her involving guro/scat/violent rape/ntr/etc existed. Oh god, why? why!? ;_;

All I did was trust them when I shouldn't have. I never understood why it's such a henious crime to be a japanophile or whatever they're calling it now. Nothing should've warranted this type of response. Ever. They went after the one I love in order to get to me, and the only thing I could've done to stop it from happening was to keep my goddamn mouth shut. But realisticly, there was nothing I could do. I felt helpless. I couldn't stop what happened and I can't take any sort of revenge against them because it's the goddamned interent and there's not much I can do there. All I could do with my anger was let it build up inside.

But even though I have to live with this pent up anger, I won't let it stop me from loving the love of my life, no matter how many haters there are out there, no matter what.

tl;dr Don't play Eve with /v/
>> No. 1989 [Edit]
>tl;dr Don't do anything with 4chan

>> No. 1990 [Edit]
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makes me glad i never played with /v/ beyond 2-3 LoL games and never made any mention of /a/ period.
>> No. 1998 [Edit]
dear god......

I don't even think I even have a proper reaction image to show how shocked I am by how cruel and evil that is...

And keeping all that anger pent up... listen man, if you need someone to vent to, you know where to find me. I may not be able to be there all day since I have a job now, but once I get home I'm there. (and if steam decides to fuck up like it's been doing alot lately, just /msg me on IRC, if I ain't in the channel I'm idling in the network.)
>> No. 2007 [Edit]
What, so you didn't even do anything, and they all decided to spam pictures at the same time?
>> No. 2012 [Edit]
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I've received much hate for my choice, but those people can go straight to hell for all I care, it isn't going to change my mind in the least.

I feel you though, Remi is one of my favorite Touhou characters and that particular individual hasn't made me happy, either.
>> No. 2017 [Edit]
I don't get it; why are some people so vulnerable? You know what the internet is and the people who use it. You know that some people can be mean bitches, and that the internet is a haven for such behavior. You know this, yet you give others the privilige to hurt your feelings this badly - openhandedly, even. You learn how to close yourself as means of protection in the real world, is it so hard to apply that mechanism in the virtual world as well? It should go without saying, but if this is the only means for some people to understand that you're free game without armor - then so be it. It's just hard for me to sympathize.

>I can't just ignore it (...)
Yes you can. I know you can ignore the fact that you'd be torn apart were you ever to come out of the "waifu closet" out there, so ignoring some vile hatred on the internet, of which TC is a part of, should be piece of cake. Get over it; brace yourself and become stronger. You won't gain anything from starting up a sentimental crusade or what have you.

I'm sorry if I'm coming out as cold or insensitive, but I don't think you'd gain much from buttered words.
>> No. 2051 [Edit]

This is fine, but I don't know if it's really that simple. For example, there are these forums where I can get fast and easy information about my waifu's game. I like browsing those forums, but one thing I can't just ignore is the constant shipping or (unknowingly) bashing of my waifu. If I'm forced to look at something so hurtful just to do something I like, ignoring it really isn't an option. There is a need to protect what you care about, even if it's just mental warfare against yourself.

I am sure though, that none of us are really crying over it. It's more of a "What the hell is the guy think he's doing?" kind of feeling. That's a pretty strong feeling, don't you think?
>> No. 2077 [Edit]
I think it's simple, but that's just my opinion. If you're saying it's not, then who am I to deny that? But do consider whether it's genuinly complicated, or just complicated by your perception. Either I'm the one simplifying things, or you're the one complicating it; or perhaps something in-between, or something totally different.. I wouldn't dare simplifying anything complex in the real world, but I don't think you're losing much from doing so on the internet. But that's just my opinion.
>> No. 2078 [Edit]

What the fuck am I reading?

Sorry man, I half-agreed with your previous post, but that one is a syntactical train wreck.
>> No. 2079 [Edit]
I don't know.. what are you reading?

I don't expect anyone to agree with my expressed notions; I do however wish to receive some sort of discourse breaking down any potential fallacies in my statements, should there ever be a proclamation there-of. Which seems to be the case...

But hey, I don't even know if we're communicating on the same level, let alone talking of the same matter. I attempted to simplify the situation I was presented via the OP et al, providing input from a different angel. I thought it to be fairly harmless, but you're telling me it turned into a syntactical train wreck - that doesn't sound harmless at all! I don't know what to say.
>> No. 2125 [Edit]

Of course it's harmless, fellow brohno. I just had a little trouble understanding that one particular post. It did ramble a bit; thus triggering my confusion. I apologise if I came across a bit aggressive, but like a typical Saggitarian, I lack tact.

In any case, after re-reading the entire conversation, I can see what you're getting at. However, the same applies to Reversetrap. Hmm... consider me on the fence for this.

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