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File 130114115484.jpg - (31.72KB , 640x480 , manga169x.jpg )
1938 No. 1938 [Edit]
Having recently discovered the wonderful world of anime, I've started to see a lot of people claiming characters as their "waifus". But I don't really understand the concept:

Are waifus 2D characters you like to fap to?

Or is it some kind of love for a particular character?

Could you describe your relatioship with your waifu?

looking forward to seeing your answers
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>> No. 1939 [Edit]
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In a general sense, a waifu is a character that someone has fallen in love with and cares for very much. Fapping varies from person to person, I personally see it as rather disrespectful towards her. I recommend you read the following threads for a better idea of the reasoning behind a waifu.

>> No. 1940 [Edit]
Everybody has someone out there who's special to them
Sometimes that person just happens to be on the other side of a monitor
>> No. 1942 [Edit]
I have to admit I don't really understand how someone who is 'new to anime' finds his way here.
>> No. 1946 [Edit]
Thanks for the information =)
>> No. 1948 [Edit]

It's quite hard to keep yourself hidden on the internet. It could go as quickly as:

/b/ --decide to check out--> /a/ --find link to--> here

In under a week of watching the first anime.

I, for one, welcome our new newfag members.
>> No. 1950 [Edit]
Anyone who has seriously lurked /b/ at any point in the last 3 years needs to get out.


You too
>> No. 1951 [Edit]
I'll also add that if you don't even know what a waifu is you don't belong here
>> No. 1952 [Edit]
Quit being so elitist.
>> No. 1953 [Edit]
People said this same thing about /jp/, and look at it now. If you start tolerating bullshit even a little bit it's like a crack in a dam: It's only going to get worse.
>> No. 1954 [Edit]
Agreed, I'd rather not see that happen to Tohno-chan. This is the one place I can call home on the internet.
>> No. 1956 [Edit]
There are countless anime themed community websites on the Internet, trying to limit ourselves to only people that actively fallow anime, know what they're talking about, and are also helpless no life failure, is the only thing making us different then the thousands of other anime sites out there that welcome with open arms people that have seen maybe one or two shows, never read a vn, and are probably creeped out by other aspects of this life, such as figs.

Sorry if I come off as a dick, but you should try heading to /a/ if you don't care about newfags and normals and people new to anime, they sure as heck don't care, and look where that got them.
>> No. 1957 [Edit]
OP here

When I said that I was new to anime, it was meant as an introductory sentence; I've been following anime for a few months and I try to watch all the "Classics", if I may say so. (

Moreover, I try to keep an open mind and I don't come here to mock Otakus or anything related to them. My post was just an attempt to explain the waifu movement and get better understanding of how it works. I must say that the links provided very interessting information.

Regarding 4chan or /b/, I never posted there and do not intend to and I find it an unhealthy place to lurk. People here seem much more reasonable.

Finally, I'm not at all creeped out by figs or anime related stuff and I think I'm starting to become a closet otaku... I wish I could have an Azunyan Nendoroid without being instantly seen as a freak...
>> No. 1958 [Edit]
sorry about the hostility, as you may know, it can be hard trying to keep the "less desirables" out.
>> No. 1959 [Edit]
No problem, I can perfectly understand, knowing that places like /b/ exist makes you much more precautious.
>> No. 1961 [Edit]
/mai/ doesn't seem to be any different in quality than the other boards to me.
>> No. 1963 [Edit]
so we're already adapting to the shitty mentality of /jp/ i see...

actually they're more likely to find the link on /jp/ then /a/. i'm on /a/ a lot still and i sure don't pass out the link or mention it beyond someone posting in reply to me "sup brohno".
>> No. 1965 [Edit]
If you do not understand the concept of waifu, please go ahead and research more before asking.

Your first question makes me assume you come here for the wrong reasons.
>> No. 1966 [Edit]

That's a lost cause around here. I love Tohno for being unique among imagebords, but I'm really disgusted at how some people here seem to think they are better at liking anime, games or having waifus or whatever, than other otaku/NEET/whatever.
>> No. 1967 [Edit]
OP here

What is wrong in searching information here? I've sought information in various websites (knowyourmeme...) but most of them just gave very shallow descriptions. Here at least, I can have the opinion of people who experience it and I now understand the concept much better

Again, I'm not here to troll or anything, and if you see me as a threat to your community, I seriously don't understand why.
>> No. 1968 [Edit]
It's because we have several threads dedicated specifically to explaining what a waifu is.

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