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File 130112442959.jpg - (148.11KB , 445x600 , mihokoyuiko.jpg )
1928 No. 1928 [Edit]
Do you ship your waifu with other characters?
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>> No. 1929 [Edit]
TenshixMe otp
>> No. 1930 [Edit]
Does anybody actually do this? Write stories involving you and your waifu, that is. For some reason, it makes me uncomfortable to even imagine doing this. I suppose that's a path I'm not willing to go down.

That's all off-topic, though. No, I don't ship my waifu. Why would I? She's my waifu. Plus, I'm not really a shipper in the first place.
>> No. 1931 [Edit]
That would be a terrible thing to do. Why would you imagine your wife having a relationship with someone else? It defeats the purpose of...everything.
>> No. 1932 [Edit]
Yeah I do. KanakoxNaru.

Yet another reason Im not worthy of her. Maybe I should call her 'mai garufurendo' instead
>> No. 1934 [Edit]
Am I the only one that hates the term "shipping" and the idea behind it?
>> No. 1935 [Edit]
no I think everyone outside of the fanfiction scene hates it
>> No. 1936 [Edit]
>> No. 1937 [Edit]
Unless you're into NTR, I don't understand why you'd do this.

No, I hate it too.
>> No. 1943 [Edit]
>Does anybody actually do this? Write stories involving you and your waifu, that is.
Don't a lot of /mai/ posts more or less count?

Guy who is into NTR here. Even I wouldn't do this shit.
>> No. 1944 [Edit]
File 130114620452.png - (540.60KB , 900x850 , 1294348296661.png )
I'm new to this term ussage: what does it mean, exactly?

Anyway: I don't even fantasize about mai waifu in any sort of sexual intercourses, let alone with another character/man; althought I have no problem to enjoy some doujins of that matter, if the art is good and/or the plot is interesting.
>> No. 1945 [Edit]
Well of course I do.

I love her and I often imagine our life together, but I have to admit that I'm a horrible person an I would make a bad husband/boyfriend.
I only care about her sake, so I imagine what 2D character would make her happy.
>> No. 1947 [Edit]
Dear god no! And I doubt anybody else would.
>> No. 1960 [Edit]
Maybe that could be a motivation for you to improve yourself. I know my waifu's done that for me. Even if I can never meet her, I can at least be a man worthy of her.
>> No. 1962 [Edit]
Nope, there isn't even any guys in her source story anyways. The only male remotely in her life in any form is her father.

I'll admit, sometimes i hope a certain girl will win, but very rarely and i'm quiet about it.
Sometimes people mistake me for shipping when i say i hate/dislike a girl over another though. (like with MM! and how i hated the man-hater girl and adored mio. i didn't even care if the mc ended with her or not, i just wanted her to have more screentime then the annoying bitch)
>> No. 1964 [Edit]
I really despise the word shipping and anything related to it.
>> No. 1969 [Edit]

>Nope, there isn't even any guys in her source story anyways.

I don't really see how that matters. OP's pic highly related.
>> No. 1993 [Edit]

Yes. I'm a keen writer and have written a couple of stories in both 1940s & current era. One is forever ongoing. However, as is the rule with shitty fanfiction, it's kept on the hard drive.

Aside from that, I don't actively ship her, but I do adore yuri, so that doesn't really bother me.
>> No. 2005 [Edit]
File 130140095512.jpg - (221.49KB , 2048x1152 , 175_ev2400_l.jpg )
Her canon pairing is nice.
>> No. 2084 [Edit]
>MAI waifu
>with someone else

Does not compute. Or am I somehow missing the entire point of having a waifu?

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