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File 130103110657.jpg - (0.98MB , 1200x900 , soutsuki hisame Reimu_Momiji_Tenshi alternate outf.jpg )
1903 No. 1903 [Edit]
Ok, this picture has kind of been screwing with me. Tenshi is wearing Momiji's clothes, Momiji is wearing Reimu's, and Reimu is wearing Tenshi's. But the thing is, I'm more attracted to Reimu in Tenshi's clothes than Tenshi herself.

I'm really not sure why this is. I guess because this Tenshi doesn't really look like Tenshi; they made her too moeblob, and not enough... her. The drawing of Reimu is more accurate, even with a completely different hair color. However, there's also the chance I'm just attracted to her design. I find her beautiful, but I hope that's not secretly all I care about.
>> No. 1904 [Edit]
well I like this tenshi.
and loli tenshi is the best.
>> No. 1907 [Edit]
Yes, you're correct. Reimu's face in this picture looks more like the real Tenshi.
>> No. 1917 [Edit]
Well, Tenshi Reimu's grin looks more Tenshi than Reimu, as the same goes for Momoji Tenshi. It looks like they not only exchanged clothes but personalities.
>> No. 1918 [Edit]
Yeah, that makes more sense.

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