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File 130096310969.jpg - (25.42KB , 468x349 , taiga.jpg )
1876 No. 1876 [Edit]


I don't know what to think. Given it's Sankaku Complex, I don't know whether Artefact is plain lying, or whether someone actually sent him that. Assuming it's real, I still don't know what to think. It was an effort in vain and the writer would clearly know that from the start, but it didn't stop them from trying, which is commendable to say the least.

Artefact's handling of it by directly linking to a Sankaku Channel search of "aisaka_taiga rating:explicit order:popular" shows how much of a cunt he is about it, as well as actually posting it, although he had the tiny courtesy of redacting the name.

Tip to the writer, however. The tags "rating:safe" or "-aisaka_taiga" might help in the future, if he ever ends up reading this.

And after reading the comments, I can see why no-one likes Sankaku Complex, at all.
>> No. 1877 [Edit]
my thoughts?
>> No. 1878 [Edit]
I certainly believe it's real, people have made posts like that on the forums. He's kind of an idiot for even writing it in the first place, but I guess something can be said for a guy who loves Taiga that much...?

Also yeah Artefact is an enormous faggot
>> No. 1879 [Edit]
Eh. I feel indifferent.
>> No. 1880 [Edit]
I clicked around on that site which you call shit and found a pretty nice article, "Top 10 Cute Girly Mannerisms". Here is the list:

1. She tugs your sleeve (7745)

2. She’s always smiling (7051)

3. She casts you an upward gaze (3898)

4. She makes a lonely face when you part (2971)

5. She makes a duck face (2679)

6. She puffs up her cheeks (2047)

7. She sneezes cutely (1469)

8. She tilts her head (1432)

9.She blinks when surprised (605)

Oh god this is so true, especially #3 makes me HNNNNGH
>> No. 1881 [Edit]
It has some articles that aren't bad, but it's usually a sensationalist shitrag. If it were a real paper it would get sold in the checkout line next to copies of The Sun and those little sudoku crossword books.

And the community is amazingly shitty, so there's that
>> No. 1883 [Edit]
Sankakucomplex is a big no for me.

I'd rather go on and read dannychoo's blog.
>> No. 1884 [Edit]
Heh, I think I'd feel the same way if Taiga was my waifu. I can totally respect that.
>> No. 1885 [Edit]
The community would be a lot better if every dissenting opinion wasn't immediately deleted.
>> No. 1886 [Edit]
I think the same about my waifu. So although I don't feel that way about Taiga, I can sympathize with you.
>> No. 1888 [Edit]
>> No. 1889 [Edit]
I wouldn't really call taiga precious...
but still, most people don't like seeing pornography of their waifu or loved ones posted around the Internet, or the idea of people masturbating to stuff like that of someone you care about..

I've tried reporting pornographic images on places like danbooru, hoping they'd get deleted as stupid as it was..
it can be very bothersome.. and hard to ignore.

If you walked up to a guy on the streets, and told him you had just masturbated to pornographic images of his wife and daughter, he'd probably punch you in the face.
>> No. 3800 [Edit]

True, but the thing is his wife and daughter exist an unquestioningly have ties to him. They're his. Your waifu is yours in mind and spirit, and your specific interpretation of her is yours, but you don't own the property - in fact, the only person who has the right to get angry as if it was his wife or child is the person who created your waifu. In your example, you're more like the man's neighbor, who has vivid fantasies about the man's wife & child and gets pissed when you see another guy leering at the wife's tits.

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