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File 130093620361.jpg - (98.02KB , 522x399 , usagi_027.jpg )
1871 No. 1871 [Edit]
Imagine you and your waifu are able to be in the same world (2D, 3D, whatever). What is a perfect day for the two of you?

For me, it would be a perfect day to wake up beside her, and to have the chance to make her smile and every opportunity. Hearing her laugh would make any day perfect.

That being said, I'd like the chance to fight evil with her and actually be useful and supportive (unlike a certain official love interest whose sole purpose seems to be to keep florists in business).
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>> No. 1872 [Edit]
File 13009369197.jpg - (194.98KB , 720x480 , 1245815512050.jpg )
Wake up
Eat a breakfast we made together
Watch some anime
play some games
go out to lunch together
stop by a few gaming and anime/manga stores and various other places
get home and mess with our spoils of the outing
eat dinner
cuddle and watch more anime
fall asleep on the couch with each other

>(unlike a certain official love interest whose sole purpose seems to be to keep florists in business).
I laughed.
>> No. 1873 [Edit]
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Wake up to her beauty, get the day started together. Watch her completely destroy the challengers of her gym, cheering her all the way. Celebrate by going out to dinner for the evening and walking about the Saffron city together. Then holding her in my arms as we fall asleep for the next day.
>> No. 1882 [Edit]
The best day would probably be of me waking up earlier than her; seeing her lovely face facing me. I'd get up quietly and make her breakfast. When she comes to we'll both eat and plan ahead. IT depends, if she wants to practice for her idol career then I'd help her all the way and we'll practice together. If she wants to take a break, I'll probably take her on a picnic or something or maybe we'll just stay home and watch TV/play games together.
>> No. 1890 [Edit]
I.. I don't know.

I just want to go home and sit down and be quiet.
>> No. 1891 [Edit]
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More than likely a quiet and uneventful day. We'd read a book or 2 together, cook something to eat for lunch and dinner (since she doesn't like to go out that often), possibly go out to the local library or bookstore. I can guarantee I would be in cloud nine the whole day knowing that I am with the woman of my dreams.

>(unlike a certain official love interest whose sole purpose seems to be to keep florists in business)
Agreed. Tuxedo mask is a massive faggot.
>> No. 1896 [Edit]
File 130101545985.jpg - (264.91KB , 436x646 , Tenshi bed.jpg )
I have no idea; any time spent with her would be wonderful.

Though seeing this at the end of the day would probably implode my nutbladder.
>> No. 3117 [Edit]
I would wake up earlier than her and make us breakfast then we probably would to the park and relax there the until lunchtime. After eating something in a nice place we would relax a bit back home and then we would end the day by watching fireworks.

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