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File 128992984729.png - (242.37KB , 1024x768 , 00DB880C.png )
186 No. 186 [Edit]
Post your waifu done in 3DCG here.
If you don't have it, get it here:

Then get the xp update (along with some clothes) here:

If you don't wanna get it, then pester Tohno to make her for you (he has a ton more mods then i do and is better at it)
Expand all images
>> No. 188 [Edit]
File 128993158099.jpg - (70.66KB , 1024x768 , satorin.jpg )
>> No. 191 [Edit]
File 128995326265.png - (254.41KB , 1024x768 , 00DEB41E.png )
I wish we still had multi image posting, cause i'd dump a bunch ;_;
>> No. 192 [Edit]
File 128995608012.png - (781.25KB , 1020x768 , incredable.png )
>> No. 193 [Edit]
uhh... this might take sometime; some of the links for xp3 parts are broken.
>> No. 194 [Edit]
File 12899674178.png - (696.53KB , 937x800 , rinj.png )
>> No. 195 [Edit]
Try this one if you can use torrents:
>> No. 196 [Edit]
thanks, mate. on it already (working ok).
>> No. 198 [Edit]
File 12900474201.png - (846.82KB , 1600x900 , 00ED95B0.png )
>> No. 205 [Edit]
File 129008086550.png - (435.10KB , 727x579 , 387249120575.png )
I wish I could use this, but I've got a Mac. :<

The only pictures I have are a few like this I saw in some Nico video.
>> No. 207 [Edit]
if i was more of a badass, i'd tell you to make a partition for ubuntu, mount isos from terminal, run exes with wine, fight the law and fuck up bitches etc etc... but honestly, it's an unnecessary pain in the ass and you could always screw your current OS when redimensioning. so i'll better recomend you to, if possible, save money for months and buy a decent notebook, wich is what i did and so worth it.
>> No. 209 [Edit]
>> No. 212 [Edit]
I would post my waifu, but I don't have the right skirt. What the hell, man.
>> No. 219 [Edit]
File 129050533826.png - (181.22KB , 1024x768 , 1269741567079.png )
Someone made Osaka on 4chan /a/. I'm no good with programmy type things, especially if they are in a foreign language.
>> No. 220 [Edit]
It's okay if I post girls other than mai waifu here, right? I haven't downloaded it yet and I'm afraid that she might have the wrong clothing or hairstyle, for example.
>> No. 221 [Edit]
File 129053725441.png - (132.11KB , 699x765 , Kurokona3dcg.png )
It's not really hard to use, you don't even need to know the slightest bit of japanese to use the base program. It's like the sims where there is a bunch of scrolling bars sorted by sections (front hair, back hair, pantsu, socks, shoes, etc)

doesn't matter to me, though tohno might want a thread in /cr/ or something for non-waifus. (unless you were making someone's waifu)
>> No. 222 [Edit]
I'm not so sure if this program works on Windows 7 (x64). Has anyone had any success? I'm afraid that this program might not run on my computer.
>> No. 223 [Edit]
It's what i'm using and it works fine. You might need the Jap locale to use it though.
>> No. 227 [Edit]
File 129062839095.png - (97.85KB , 960x600 , 00EAB138.png )
She's not the best but I like her.
>> No. 232 [Edit]
File 129066009733.jpg - (359.01KB , 1890x776 , asuka 3D.jpg )
Yeah, but I had to run ObsDX9 from the mounted iso, even after installing (compatibility modes and admin privileges didn't fix it)... anyway:

This was like the best a could do, with the available presets. I specially missed the possibility of having really thin bodies and (even) smaller breasts. But it was pretty fun, regardless (I'm using this further...).
>> No. 237 [Edit]
It's too bad this doesn't work for me. I would love to give it a whirl.
>> No. 245 [Edit]
  >>232 this was made by some asian. he has videos of a few more models, if you want to check them out (Reimu amongst them, with shrine and everything).

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