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File 130076179932.jpg - (119.07KB , 500x680 , hanako2.jpg )
1836 No. 1836 [Edit]
If you could say anything to the creators/writers who made your waifu into who you fell in love with, what would it be?

I sent a short little thankyou to crud, basically thanking him for giving me something to believe in, and someone who can give me happiness.
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>> No. 1838 [Edit]
Iunno. People thank ZUN a lot, so I can imagine it would get irritating after a while, and I especially wouldn't want to be considered a creepy gaijin. With my minimal knowledge of Japanese, I suppose I could just say, "私は東方のプロジェクトを愛する,特に天子," which hopefully translates to "I love Touhou Project, especially Tenshi."

I wonder if ZUN regrets that he made so many people fall in love with his characters.
>> No. 1839 [Edit]
Why did you make Love Hina shit. Why did you drag it out with outrageous, predictable humour and predictable, pointless filler arcs. It had so much promise. The first volume, it had so much class. I feel betrayed.
>> No. 1842 [Edit]
Whomever made mai waifu and her character design, I'd thank you. I just wish her character was fleshed out more and the afterstory too rather than just some lame boring marriage life. But that leaves the rest to my imagination.
>> No. 1844 [Edit]
File 130077713471.jpg - (32.36KB , 300x450 , Sabrina 37.jpg )
To Satoshi Tajiri or Ken Sugimori, I'd like to thank them for bringing my waifu into existence. To whomever wrote Sabrina's episodes. Thank you for putting so much effort into a character that could have been one of the many forgetable faces that have been in that series. You've created someone that brings inspiration to me and for that I can never repay you.
>> No. 1846 [Edit]
Hey ZUN, thanks for making IaMP. Let me buy you a beer.
>> No. 1847 [Edit]
File 130079189212.gif - (25.11KB , 192x144 , Anno.gif )


Seriously: I'd love to make him an extensive interview, to learn all I could about Asuka's origins, development and enigmas. But even if that could ever happen, he isn't a very talkative/open to strangers person (as you may very well understand).
>> No. 1849 [Edit]
I would praise the person for making such a character; but I would question why the person would need to include male characters in Im@S 2 when the protagonist is all anyone really needs.
>> No. 1852 [Edit]
branching out to, lol, girl gamers.
>> No. 1854 [Edit]
What if that demographic likes 2D? I'm pretty sure that they have husbandos.
>> No. 1855 [Edit]
I would imagine people with "husbandos" are a rather small demographic.

Now if you made the guys in the game into homosexuals for each other, then the yaoi fangirls would flock to the game in herds, and the male fans wouldn't be pissed off as much I think.
>> No. 1856 [Edit]

Simple answer, make a game with male idols.

No really, I'd buy it.
>> No. 1857 [Edit]
good idea, but I bet Micro$oft would hate it.
>> No. 1875 [Edit]
I sent Aoki Ume a thank you on twitter but she hasn't responded. It's okay though, my Japanese isn't so great so it was a fairly generic message.

Well, as generic as a message saying I deeply love one of her characters, which no doubt could easily be read as someone saying they really find the character funny rather than actually being in love with them.
>> No. 1927 [Edit]
Hm...Well, it's hard to think of anything I'd say that wouldn't sound creepy. I mean, the phrase "I enjoy Sekirei" sounds weird in my head. It looks weird when I write it down. No, those three words don't belong together at all, friends.

I suppose I'd write a small little paragraph about how I like "the direction the series is going" (even though I don't think it's really going anywhere), and that the Disciplinary Squad is pretty awesome. Then I'd list my top 5 characters, because I'm cliche like that. Of course my waifu would be number one.

But it would probably just end up being a depressing, cynical 'thanks' for making my waifu.
>> No. 2006 [Edit]
File 130140173820.jpg - (397.70KB , 2048x1152 , 014_ev1800_l.jpg )
Where can I send Nitro+ a thank you email?
>> No. 3102 [Edit]

Anno likes to keep quiet because he prefers people to jump to their own conclusions
I guess you have to find your own answers

In my case, I'd just like to punch the creator of my waifu's series over several things that happened to her. Just one punch. Then I'd buy him a beer.
Because hey, he's a famous guy. Might as well make a new bro

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