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File 130071750853.jpg - (1.18KB , 58x126 , imagesCAVQ9M5C.jpg )
1823 No. 1823 [Edit]
Is there any place where one could order a custom dakimakura-like pillowcase? Preferrably online so I don't have to leave my house and travel to request something embarrasing
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>> No. 1825 [Edit]
I remember on the old /tc/, someone made a how-to on how to make a small dakimakura. I forgot the details in how the anon made it.
>> No. 1828 [Edit]
If you google around, there are alot of small businesses that specialize in it like http://www.dakimakurapillow.com/ . I've never bought from any of them though.
>> No. 1851 [Edit]
Bed, bath, and beyond?

I don't know, I would also love an answer.
>> No. 1853 [Edit]
maybe for the pillow, but certainly not for the case.
>> No. 1858 [Edit]

For the case; I know alot of people who order from dakemakura.com

It's a great site.
>> No. 1859 [Edit]
Looks cool, do they draw the images themselfs?
how are the prices if so?
>> No. 1860 [Edit]
I think they draw the image and print it out... I'm not sure I understand your question.

As for the prices, it is on the website. 150x50 = 10,500 Yen. So it's around the 100-170 USD range.
>> No. 1861 [Edit]
yes that was what I was asking, most places I've seen around online just print out images you give them onto a cover.

I've been wanting to get one for sometime, but there's no dakimakura of the character, and have worried about getting something custom made, I had no idea there were places that draw the characters you request and make the pillow, I always thought you'd need to pay or befriend a good artist, get them to make you the images, then take that to one of those printers.
>> No. 1864 [Edit]
File 130087465739.jpg - (134.76KB , 345x1040 , 383-2 copy.jpg )
So near, and yet so far. Tenshi does not have D-cup breasts.

I don't like the art style, either, but I haven't found a single dakimakura that both portrays her correctly and is drawn well.
>> No. 1865 [Edit]
>> No. 1866 [Edit]
no idort
>> No. 1867 [Edit]
Fuck, finally a site that sells a dakimakura of my waifu (other than the official one they stopped selling years ago) but the reverse side is lewd. I don't want anything lewd.
>> No. 1868 [Edit]
Vector the non lewd side, vector or find another side, use a custom maker. Art styles probably won't match, though.

I wish there were one of her sleeping in her pajamas instead of nude ones, all the ones I've seen of her were nude.
>> No. 1869 [Edit]
If I knew anything about vectoring I would just vector the official dakimakura.
>> No. 1870 [Edit]
Okay, so I have some images that I want to order from a custom printer, but does anyone know if http://www.dakimakurapillow.com/ will print double sided cases?
>> No. 1874 [Edit]
Do they have, like... plus-sized dakimakura? I'm 6'3", so the usual 5-foot-long pillow is too small for me.

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