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1814 No. 1814 [Edit]
Has anybody ever said or done something to insult your waifu that pissed you off?

For example, un_freed (understandably) was pissed that the fuckoffs on /a/ were calling Louise a bitch. (not that I think that, mind you)

For me, what pisses me off is the constant burn victim jokes and "chocolate" references. People keep telling me to just let it go, but as I've said before Hanako is my whole world, she is the reason I get up in the morning, and I will be damned if I'm gonna let some worthless piece of fuck talk shit about her.
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>> No. 1815 [Edit]
People ship her with Aya.
>> No. 1816 [Edit]
>> No. 1817 [Edit]
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Does that faggot MiMW posting a harem image with her in it count?

There's also the couple weeks way way back when some faggot on /a/ would spam horribly shopped image of her being black whenever i'd post in a waifu thread.
I'm sure you can imagine the comments he'd add.
>> No. 1818 [Edit]
What pisses me off are sexual references, especially rape. This is back when RF3 general threads were still a daily occurrence on /v/. People were having fun with her verbal tic, it was all safe and nice at first and then I started seeing shit like this: "When will her next rape doujin come out?", "I hope she gets raped so that she says that she says that she's ENJOYING it and screams YES YES YES." or "I want to fuck her tenderly as she screams NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO over and over again". No fucking cumguzzling faggot insults mai waifu like that. Nobody ever talks shit about mai waifu like that. I could barely hold my anger. I am getting sick and tired of all their sexual references and the bullshit that comes out of it that I associate anything sexual involving mai waifu to be some kind of elaborate troll attempt. Even though people don't do that shit to my knowledge anymore, it still ticks me the fuck off whenever someone on a waifu thread tells me that if I don't fap to mai waifu that I'm somehow a horrible fuck or that sexuality should be an integral part to loving my waifu. Both in which I disagree with because anything sexual with waifus is optional, not compulsory.

I have yet to find anything else that people say about her that pisses me off to the point that I get seriously upset about it.
>> No. 1819 [Edit]
People have, and I didn't care.
>> No. 1820 [Edit]
Having an incredibly popular character as my waifu... Yes. Things generally don't bother me any more, but the odd time I see a comment here and there that pisses me off. There isn't really an awful lot that can be said about her, but... they still do it. It's sexual references the most. When will people learn that the entire universe does not revolve around sex?
>> No. 1822 [Edit]
Pretty much anything involving her that isn't a passing reference. Like, I get mad when I see people with her as their avatar for example. I dunno, I guess i'm insecure.
>> No. 1824 [Edit]
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To add, think of this, but basically dark black and done horribly with paint.
Irritates me to no end, but at least it was tastefully done and the guy who made it was just making konata brown.
>> No. 1826 [Edit]
I don't know about anyone else but when it comes to defending my waifu, I have not one issue with losing a friend or two over it.
>> No. 1829 [Edit]
No, nobody has insulted my waifu. Nobody even talks about her. Shes an obscure character from an old(er) series.

But even if someone did, I wouldn't really care.

I wouldn't care because I'm unfaithful to her and I'm not worthy of her.
>> No. 1830 [Edit]

Pretty terrible thing to say about yourself there, dude.

Want to expand on that? I'm sure you're not as bad as you say.
>> No. 1840 [Edit]
I like her because she ticks all the boxes on my fetish list. I've also been lusting after other girls.
>> No. 1845 [Edit]
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You're not alone in the commitment issues club.

When I had finally thought I found my waifu I started reading homestuck out of curiosity, and at the moment I'm falling in love with Vriska. This is the third time this has happened, and hopefully the last.

In the least, I actually like her for who she is, and not for a moe exterior and blank slate personality.
>> No. 1848 [Edit]
It's when they ship her with worthless piece of crap Jupiter characters. Other than that, when they call her a boy or a dude I really take it nothing more than I joke. I try to ignore any sort of conversation of her outside of Tohno-chan, though.
>> No. 1862 [Edit]
I've been wanting to make a post about this on Tohno-chan for a very long time because I need to get this out but just thinking about all the hate I've towards her that I've seen makes me so angry that I just can't do it.

And yes, I know this is ironic considering I was trying to calm Desu down the other day by saying he shouldn't get worked up like that over what happened and he should just let it go. I'm the last person who should be telling anyone to do that. But I do it anyway, because this anger, this hatred I have for the ones who've insulted her, is the worst thing ever. It's slowly consuming me because I can't do a damn thing about it, and I can't simply let go of it either, it's just not possible, and no one should have to experience this. That's why.

Maybe someday I'll be able to talk about my experiences with having to put up with people insulting her properly, but not now. Not now. I need to calm down.
>> No. 1897 [Edit]
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Sometimes when they call her retarded, it irks me. But other than that, nothing has really pissed me off.
>> No. 2130 [Edit]
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People posting pictures of her getting punched in the face by accelerator is the main thing that pisses me off, perverts talking about her pisses me off too. I hate that shit, she is everything to me, and I absolutely can't stand it when people say shit about her it pisses me off so fucking much.
>> No. 2131 [Edit]
>perverts blah blah

I've never understood why people get offended by that, or this whole purity thing a lot of people insist.
>> No. 2132 [Edit]
Eh, not really. It's kind of like being married to a celebrity; random people are gonna talk shit about her, and there's not much you can do about it. You (and she) just have to brush it off, and be secure in the knowledge that the love you share is stronger than the words of some interbutts troll.

Though admittedly, that's easy for me to say because my waifu is relatively little-known.
>> No. 2135 [Edit]
Just posting this here because it's relevant to both threads.
>> No. 2188 [Edit]
I don't think it's the "purity" thing as much as the fact that it's usually in an uninvited and/or degrading sexual manner.
>> No. 2200 [Edit]
Well you know I wonder why I don't like people saying perverted things about her? Hmmm maybe it's because she's my waifu, and I care about her.
>> No. 2218 [Edit]
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not really, everyone doesnt take her seriously beacuse she is a secondary character, the only thing that kinda bothers me is that people just think she is just konata with short hair wich obviously she is not, but for me she will always be the main charatcer of my heart.
>> No. 2227 [Edit]
Yes, a certain faggot was role-playing her and I felt like she was turned into a public whore.
>> No. 2235 [Edit]
I can deal with most insults directed at her because somehow defending her allows me to say things that I otherwise cannot say.

But it's infinitely more annoying when people talk shit about waifus in general
>> No. 3205 [Edit]
Sadly she is pretty unpopular because the most people see her only as a "troublemaker" but i donĀ“t really bother with it because the most people who claim her to be like this did not really understand the background of her behavior.
>> No. 3214 [Edit]
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Way too often. For one, people are always calling her a whore and making sexually degrading comments and pictures of her. Now I get it, the internet (/a/ specifically) is filled with assholes who are going to do this to all characters. But relative to the other characters in the show, it's always fucking her. Not Yui, not Mugi, it's always Mio that is the biggest whore for some reason I can't seem to figure out, considering she's probably the most prude out of the whole cast.

Also, the shipping with Ritsu gets on my nerves sometimes. I get it, shipping can be cute sometimes and they make a nice match. But there are too many people who obnoxiously think that K-ON is a full-on yuri series and that they are a canon couple. And as usual, it's always her, whereas Mugi, the only character that basically came out as a lesbian on the show, usually gets ignored in this respect.

And yeah, I realize I take all of this way too personally, haha. But I think being protective is just one of those things that happens when you have a waifu.
>> No. 3217 [Edit]
>it's always Mio that is the biggest whore for some reason I can't seem to figure out
She has the biggest boobs. Obviously that makes her a whore.
>> No. 3219 [Edit]
/a/ calls every female character ever (with the sole exception of yotsuba) sluts. I know you can't quite just ignore it, and I know I'm guilty of it myself, but if you can, just try not to take it seriously.
>> No. 3220 [Edit]
I know how you feel.

One of the many reasons I stopped going to /a/.
>> No. 3235 [Edit]
Yeah, I just think it's kind of funny how my reactions can vary. If it's any other character I don't care and might even laugh. But if Mio gets called out I get personally offended by it.

This was one of the things that made me realize that I was actually in love with her, I think.

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