No. 3214
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Way too often. For one, people are always calling her a whore and making sexually degrading comments and pictures of her. Now I get it, the internet (/a/ specifically) is filled with assholes who are going to do this to all characters. But relative to the other characters in the show, it's always fucking her. Not Yui, not Mugi, it's always Mio that is the biggest whore for some reason I can't seem to figure out, considering she's probably the most prude out of the whole cast.
Also, the shipping with Ritsu gets on my nerves sometimes. I get it, shipping can be cute sometimes and they make a nice match. But there are too many people who obnoxiously think that K-ON is a full-on yuri series and that they are a canon couple. And as usual, it's always her, whereas Mugi, the only character that basically came out as a lesbian on the show, usually gets ignored in this respect.
And yeah, I realize I take all of this way too personally, haha. But I think being protective is just one of those things that happens when you have a waifu.