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File 130050734949.png - (573.82KB , 800x624 , maiharem.png )
1767 No. 1767 [Edit]
Does anyone in here have more than one waifu?
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>> No. 1768 [Edit]
I have a lot of girls I feel very strongly about, but I only love one.
>> No. 1769 [Edit]
having more than one wife would be bigotry.
>> No. 1770 [Edit]
File 130050896361.jpg - (394.66KB , 1500x1500 , 7d9ae39733f489ee9d5630b0a9b3ab83.jpg )
No, just Miku.
>> No. 1771 [Edit]
This. I am fond of many girls and feel strongly for them, but there is only one girl whom I love and I call her 'mai waifu'.
>> No. 1773 [Edit]
I don't that word means what you think it means.
>> No. 1774 [Edit]
File 130051242588.png - (142.99KB , 804x708 , harem-[23_15]-(3_12_2011).png )
I don't have more than one waifu. I just have a group of girls that I have similar feelings toward. Except, they won't ever, ever touch how I feel toward my waifu.

(Using this as an opportunity to post my harem as well - I fell as though I put too much effort to simply hide them away)
>> No. 1775 [Edit]
Waifu. It means wife. Not girlfriend, mistress, fuckbuddy or harem girl.
>> No. 1776 [Edit]
If i were to make use of a harem image, it'd just be girls i'm fond of along with my waifu.

It's probably be:
Kurokona (waifu)
Kagamine Rin (vocaloid)
Reverie Metherlence (elemental gelade)
Nagi (Hayate)
Marui triplets (mitsudomoe)

No idea about the last space.

Fang? Not Light, Vanille, or Shiva?
Eh, can't fault you though.
>> No. 1777 [Edit]
So what exactly makes having more then one waifu wrong?

I can't see whats really.. Wrong with it other then that "One and only feeling". Which is fine in its own regard, but I've seen people shunned over it, which seems kind of silly.
>> No. 1778 [Edit]
It's the same as having more than one wife.
>> No. 1779 [Edit]
To put it simply, it's because people see other people with more then one as not talking it seriously, and it's as if they're making a joke of it, and most people do still think of waifus as a joke.

we here don't much appreciate people that treat it as a joke, and it's somewhat insulting to the ones that do take it seriously.

what's "wrong" is relative, relative to what the majority of people in a area, any area, feel is "wrong".
If you can't understand why people here, or others with waifus would find this "wrong", maybe you will someday, when you learn more about waifu culture.
>> No. 1780 [Edit]

How is it at all the same?

One is a real human being, the other is a fictional character.

Having a wife means you have a whole other deal of commitment with everything from physical, financial and emotional needs. A waifu has nothing to do with these things other then you and you alone. With a real wife in most cultures you have to deal with jealousy and you're forced to be in a monogamy relationship wither you like it or not. Theirs nothing wrong with it of course, but what I'm suggesting is that you have nothing holding you back in case of having multiple waifus. This issue hasn't really been brought up often here, but most of the fellows I have talked to and have read about on the western side of things, tend to take having multiple waifus as an insult.

Its hard to deny that most of the people involved with the "My Anime Harem" meme are usually people who have and strive for normal relationships. So I guess its understandable that people tend to raise a brow at the whole thing.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately, no particular reason. It seems the only reason that I can come up with it being wrong is that it just feels wrong, due to whatever reason.

I've been involved with 2d love since 95, so its pretty crazy that I've never really considered this until lately.

Interesting stuff really
>> No. 1781 [Edit]
people who are serius about waifus don't think of them as objects, they'd jump at the first chance to be with their loved one, just because that loved one isn't around doesn't mean she wouldn't care if you were involved with a number of other women.
by your logic, it's okay to cheat on ones wife or husband when they're on a business trip, just because they're not around.

I think you really have no clue what love really is.
to stay by someones side, think and thin, for the rest of your life, to enjoy being with them even after having seen the same face every day for many many years, that means you love them.
You might think it's love, but having multiple partners means you don't really love them, you just like them a lot, true love doesin't die, true love doesin't pick a new partner every few years, true love doesin't care if your partner fads in looks, or is unatractive for whatever reason and true love can't be spread out to 8 partners.
when you find love, true, real love, it's a wonderful magical feeling, a feeling when you know that person is special, that they're the one.
Harems, that's for people that are greedy, don't know what they want, are indecisive, and can't commit, and the same can be said for people that do have one waifu, but change their waifu regularly, if you really cared about them, you wouldn't dump them the second a new girl comes around, and you certainly wouldn't make them share you with seven other girls.

Really now, can you honestly say you would believe a girl that said she loved you, if she was dating seven other guys she also said she loved, as she was seeing you?
>> No. 1783 [Edit]
File 130052654828.jpg - (162.43KB , 800x690 , haremu.jpg )
I've thought up a harem before. I don't have multiple waifu.
>> No. 1786 [Edit]

Its reasonable to assume that having multiple waifus is strongly correlated with not taking the concept seriously. I not saying everyone that has multiple isn't serious though, surely there must be a few who do. Its just that most don't.

>Having a wife means you have a whole other deal of commitment with everything from physical, financial and emotional needs. A waifu has nothing to do with these things other then you and you alone. With a real wife in most cultures you have to deal with jealousy and you're forced to be in a monogamy relationship wither you like it or not. Theirs nothing wrong with it of course, but what I'm suggesting is that you have nothing holding you back in case of having multiple waifus.

Its true that a waifu doesn't have physical commitments. What it does have is emotional ones. Having multiple waifus increases the risk of dividing your love too thinly for each character. Some might have enough love to go around. Most don't.

That said, I believe if one TRULY loves one particular girl, then the entirely of that person's love should be given to that single girl, to the exclusion of all the others, and stick with her through thick and thin. And I say love, not 'like' or 'fancy', you might 'fancy' other girls but you won't 'love' her.
>> No. 1794 [Edit]
> it's okay to cheat on ones wife or husband when they're on a business trip, just because they're not around.

One is real, one isn't

They are not comparable
>> No. 1795 [Edit]
I don't think it's so black and white.
>> No. 1802 [Edit]
>more than one waifu
No. You may like a lot of girls, but there's only one waifu.
>> No. 4496 [Edit]
keep your dirty hands away from my precious Rei
>> No. 4504 [Edit]
>> No. 4527 [Edit]
Oh boy, I'm gonna get crucified for this, but I have two waifus.

You'd know if you saw me in the intro thread, but I love both quite equally, and if they were somehow "real" would try to have them both not as a harem, but as what I describe to people (they're probably getting tired of this term) as a triangle. Not a sharia law style multi-wife business, but one point equally connected to the two other points to form a single bond, meaning them having a bond of respect and hopefully love (not necessarily sexual, though that would be FUCKING SWEET).

I generally get harassed for this, but I can't help how I feel, I fell in love with them at the same time and there has never been another in the 5 years I've loved them. Choosing one would be as I say choosing either my heart or my head; Either choice I make results in me being dead. While I've liked other characters and thought they were cool, I've never had another I've been in love with.

Come at me brohnos.
>> No. 4530 [Edit]

I think we all know of your tale of two loves, Crazy Guy. I prefer you'd think about your situation but your words seem pure and refined (except for that FUCKING SWEET part, I just didn't get it I guess). Nonetheless, I will probably end up harassing you anyway, so I will stop my post here.
>> No. 4538 [Edit]
>Doesn't get FUCKING SWEET and things it's something to just let slide
Let me help: I think Crazy Guy is a pretty cool guy, eh doesn't afraid of nothing and has two waifu.

I offer you a virtual high-five, Crazy Guy. I ask you to just stop the martyr complex. No one is sharpening their pitchforks just because you are took two lovely ladies.
>> No. 4539 [Edit]
I don't mind the harassment, but I can tell you now you won't change my mind. I've had more doubt about my situation than if the entire world knew and harassed me about it.

Doesn't mean I don't love both of them. I won't get offended no matter what you say though, this board is for discussion right?
>> No. 4545 [Edit]
You have to understand, I get a lot of shit by people who like 3D AND 2D for my situation. I still hold firm to my love, but I try not to start any flame wars by seeming to go "YOU DIRTY CASUALS AND YOUR ONE WAIFU". I just was unsure about the population of this board, but I'm getting to know you guys a little better, so you'll see less.
>> No. 4547 [Edit]
Yes... but (maybe this is just me) it'd be nice if you could tone it down knowing that. When you keep needlessly giving out that kinda copypasta, it sorta seems like you're doing it for the attention. No ill will intended. This is just me.
>> No. 4548 [Edit]
My bad, I'll cut it down.

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