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File 128981060058.jpg - (401.99KB , 909x828 , hanako13.jpg )
175 No. 175 [Edit]
Has your waifu/husbando actually helped you to do better things or to become a better person?

Personally, I owe Hanako my life. Before I met her I had pretty much hit rock bottom, and was a few steps away from dropping out of school then dropping out of life. Then after I met Hanako, my life pretty much changed direction, she gave me something to believe in, something to reach for, and the next thing you know I'm walking across the stage and getting my diploma.

That diploma on my wall and the fact that I'm still here I owe to Hanako
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>> No. 176 [Edit]
No, I'm probably worse off than I ever was. Having a waifu is just a symptom of how low I've sunk.
>> No. 178 [Edit]
File 128981729976.jpg - (207.80KB , 1024x978 , p011_i016.jpg )
Well... along with the waifu concept itself, Asuka gave me more frame to dispise both myself and the (3D) world around me (real women, in particular), as I embraced the life of a hiki. She provided me with first hand material for specific thematics, and gave me the final push -I was reluctant- to alienate myself indefinately; just waiting now for an opportunity to die alright, or at least keep on rejecting most posibilities of normal -fallacious- success. That might sound bad AND/OR forced, to many people (and they could be right); but it's the best conclusion I can grasp right now, as it is the consequence of the way she initially made me a harder critic against everything, just to match my tremedous admiration towards her.

On the other hand (but probably not less problematic), I could say she filled me with moments of great pasion, tenderness and joy, and it'd be true; but, honestly tought, that's not an exclusive achievement from my interaction with her, but also with other girls both from anime and VN...

The truth is, now and always, I'm still trying to figure this entire waifu thing out. But, the way things are, there's no other situation in wich I'd like to be. I could even say -if letting myself doing so- that... I'm happy; that Asuka made me really, really, REALLY happy.
>> No. 183 [Edit]
File 128987843234.gif - (28.13KB , 506x744 , Tenshi eating.gif )
I like peaches now. I don't eat much fruit, so developing a taste for healthy foods is always a good thing.
>> No. 187 [Edit]
damn it: for a moment a tought that image was some CG I've just missed; but no still just got chess, fireworks and rock bottom ad litera...
I'm expectant, too, for more Hanako. KS was one of the last good things sprung from 4chan.
>> No. 197 [Edit]
File 128998329066.jpg - (276.77KB , 754x968 , ebe7cf52fac36a0489ca3792f05671066f30d5c6.jpg )
I try to be the kind of man my waifu would be proud of, even if I'll never meet her. So I've worked a lot harder in the past year.
>> No. 199 [Edit]
File 12900484042.jpg - (620.15KB , 1100x800 , 5af438a457ba7981edcae146ed8576ff.jpg )
I too owe my waifu my life. I'm almost certain that I would've offed myself back in '09 if it weren't for Miku. She also motivated me to take better care of myself and to get a job.
>> No. 215 [Edit]
She gives me purpose. My plan before I had seen her was to finish high school(Or turn 18), run an entry level job for a while and kill myself a while after cutting off all ties with my friends family. But, thanks to her I wish to be the type of person she deserves and I wish to succeed.

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