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1735 No. 1735 [Edit]
I love mai waifu. I'm terribly obsessed with her and I have fantasied about her for years now, she changed me a lot.

However I began reading a manga and the main girl, she is just stirring up my insides. Like in a completely different way that mai waifu does it.

I don't understand why I like her and I feel bad about it. She is the complete opposite of what I like in a girl.

Does anyone in here has experienced something like this?
Like really wanting someone who isn't your waifu?

>pic related it's her
>> No. 1736 [Edit]
im sure some people will look down on you for it, but it cant really be helped can it?
>> No. 1737 [Edit]
I don't see anything wrong with wanting someone who isn't your waifu. I often find myself having moments like that - Sometimes, the character could be from the same series as my waifu. I guess that's where the anime harem comes in. That's what I do whenever I find a girl that tugs on my heartstrings, but, in all of the harem series that comes to mind, it's always the first girl who's chosen.

Personally, I always think of it as some kind of bizarre, delusional personal journey. You may have to go through a few waifus before you find that one that just...seems totally and utterly perfect.
>> No. 1738 [Edit]
My waifu is the one girl who I will always look at and feel love for. There's other girls I become obsessed with, but I always come back to my waifu
>> No. 1739 [Edit]
Somtimes, this happens to me; but at the end of the day I regret even thinking about leaving my waifu for another girl.

It's like a test of your will, every girl that comes and goes makes the love for my waifu stronger.
>> No. 1742 [Edit]
Thanks OP for showing me that image. I have been reading Aku no Hana and its great.

Her eyes are such intense tools of expressing emotion. Sometimes her eyes seem to peer from above invisible glasses, as if she was to tell you that you were just interrupting her from some serious work. And oh, the wide eyed sadistic delight in her eyes when she torments the main character, it is so amazing.
>> No. 1743 [Edit]
i dont think that'll help OP overcome her
>> No. 1744 [Edit]
Why must people be dishonest with their own feelings? If you like her, you like her, and there is no point in clapping your hands over your ears and repeatedly screaming to drown out the feelings which undeniably hold true inside your heart.
>> No. 1745 [Edit]
true, but i feel like if i ever feel attracted to another person its like a married man looking at other women.

know what i mean?

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