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1693 No. 1693 [Edit]
When the words Timmy, Johnny and Spike come into mind, people usually think of MtG and other games, not just including TCGs and tabletop games. But those three psychographic archetypes can also apply to other concepts as well, yes, including waifus. But I’ll also be covering a possible fourth archetype, Dave and the other two 'archetypes' of Melvin and Vorthos, but they are on a different axis and are quite different than the three/four aforementioned archetypes and are not psychographic profiles. They pertain more to aesthetics than to an actual psychographic profile.

If you are familiar with Magic (MtG), read these in order, as I'll be taking quotes from some of them:
http://www.wizards.com/Magic/Magazine/Article.aspx?x=mtgcom/daily/mr11b (Timmy, Johnny, and Spike)
http://www.wizards.com/Magic/Magazine/Article.aspx?x=mtgcom/daily/mr220b (Timmy, Johnny, and Spike Revisited)
http://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/article.aspx?x=mtgcom/daily/mr280 (Design Language) (optional)
http://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/article.aspx?x=mtgcom/daily/mr278 (Melvin and Vorthos)
http://mtgsalvation.com/660-the-fourth-psycho.html (The Fourth Psychographic)

We’ll look at the three (probably four) basic archetypes and see how they apply to those who have waifus, so they won't be exactly the same as what's in the article. I’ll just take a brief tour around these profiles, and I’ll later build up upon them in other posts in this thread. Each of those psychographics apply to every part of us, and most of us have at least two.

Timmy wants to experience something.

Timmy is the easiest to explain, as there really isn't much. Timmy just wants to experience his waifu, he looks upon his waifu as if she were something magical, something unearthly. He likes the good feeling of having a waifu. He sees the waifu as an inspiration to himself, she just makes him feel loved. Jimmy doesn’t usually care for material goods of her or draws pictures of her, it’s that feeling that she invokes in him that counts. Well, he may draw a picture of her, it may look tacky, but at least he's happy and having fun from it.

Johnny wants to express something.

Johnny wants to know why he has a waifu. He may see the waifu as an extension of himself or as some part of himself. He sees a waifu, essentially, as a form of expression. So having a waifu is basically an excuse for Johnny to ponder and think about it himself a little more. He wants to apply his waifu to himself, trying to bridge the gap between a man and his waifu. He can also create his own waifu or think of his waifu in all sorts of creative ways and situations.

Spike wants to prove something.

Spike wants to prove to the world and himself that he has a waifu. He buys figures and other merchandise of his waifu. He draws pictures of his waifu. He simply wants to do better things because of his waifu. He may even marry his waifu and possibly hold some kind of marriage ceremony. Spike may be the most dedicated person to actually have a waifu. There are plenty of dedicated Spikes, especially those who have almost covered their room in merchandise of their waifu and those who have actually married their waifu.

And possibly:

Dave wants to annoy something.

Now, the existence of Dave is disputed, because even if a Dave were to exist, people still wouldn’t admit to it. But on the internet, and when it comes to waifus, Daves might just be the most common archetype to those who claim to have waifus.

People may think Dave is not sincere about his waifu, he may just have a waifu to annoy the fuck out of everyone, if they have a waifu or not. Dave could just have a waifu just for an excuse to spam pictures of his waifu. He could even fight with others ‘to the death’ just because they share the same waifu he does. Dave just has so much animosity for people that anything he says is designed to piss you off or make you not care about him. SHiN and Thad are the best examples of Dave, even though I feel that Thad is the best example of this archetype.

People may fit into more than one archetype, sometimes even as many as all of them!

Here’s the next two 'archetypes'- Melvin and Vorthos. Melvin and Vorthos aren’t proper archetypes or psychographic profiles on the same level as Timmy, Johnny and Spike, but they are still notable to include. They are just really, for a lack of a better word, 'secondary archetypes', or 'aesthetic archetypes'. They’re on an entirely different axis, the Melthos axis, as most people fall somewhere in between the middle. I feel that I should begin with Vorthos, as Vorthos is easier to explain than Melvin.

>Vorthos is the intuitive side of perception. What does this mean? It means that Vorthos's appreciation comes from how a subject makes him feel. This has two important elements. First, it means that the judging criteria he has are very subjective to an outside observer. What emotionally resonates with one Vorthos may or may not resonate with another. Second, criteria are not broken down in any way. Judgment comes not from evaluation of components but rather from an overall feel of all those components together.

Vorthos loves his waifu, alright, but he also likes the world in which she came from. He likes the storyline, the plot and appreciates the characters from the story in which she came from. He reads her backstories, her interactions with the other characters and how it ties in with the rest of the storyline. He may even enjoy reading certain doujinshi in which he feels comfortable with.

>The best metaphor I can give for this type of insight is the painting style known as pointillism where a picture is made up of tiny dots. Only by stepping far back can you see how the dots come together. Now imagine a giant pointillism painting made up of pointillism paintings. Each piece doesn't live in a vacuum but is part of a larger picture. The key, though, is that the relationships of these pieces is based on their interrelation in the larger picture.

>All of this is wonderful, but I still haven't addressed the issue at hand. Why isn't Vorthos a psychographic profile? Because at his heart, Vorthos isn't about motivation. He's about appreciation.

>Vorthos is not a separation from Timmy, Johnny and Spike. It's a layer that can be added on top of any of the three psychographics. There is not a plain Vorthos. There are Vorthos Timmies, Vorthos Johnnies and Vorthos Spikes. Vorthos is a segment of the audience that derives their satisfaction from a particular aspect of the game. Melvin is a different segment that appreciates a different aspect.

Which brings us to Melvin.

>Melvin is the speculative side of perception. What does this mean? It means that Melvin's appreciation comes from how a subject makes him think. Melvin enjoys comprehending the underlying structure. Melvin wants to understand how something is put together and then admire the craftsmanship of the interdependencies. This means that Melvin is much more comfortable dealing with subjective facts than objective feelings.

Melvin, on the other hand, appreciates the many unique archetypes of his waifu, or what she embodies. Every part of his waifu is also an indicator of what he likes. Her looks, appearance, attitude, mannerisms, speech, and dress- everything that he likes in his waifu, at least some part of his waifu may be found in things that he likes. He likes her design, he may even enjoy reading or looking at the development logs or development processes of how his waifu was created. Not to mention character designs.

>Melvin likes seeing how all the joints and beams come together to make a beautiful building. He wants to understand the role and function of each piece. This doesn't mean that the total of the parts cannot be a thing of beauty. It is the fact that such a thing is beautiful in spite of all the constraints and restrictions put upon it by functionality that makes Melvin admire it so.

>Vorthos enjoys seeing the whole as the sum of the parts. Melvin likes seeing the individuals as pieces of the whole. How is this different? If Vorthos's metaphor is a piece of art, Melvin's metaphor is architecture. Melvin likes seeing how all the joints and beams come together to make a beautiful building. He wants to understand the role and function of each piece. This doesn't mean that the total of the parts cannot be a thing of beauty. It is the fact that such a thing is beautiful in spite of all the constraints and restrictions put upon it by functionality that makes Melvin admire it so.

>When I explain that Vorthos and Melvin are on a spectrum, I don't mean to imply that their sensibilities cannot intermix. Melthos is my name for the center of the spectrum. Melthos is the one that admires both the art and the craftsmanship. Some Melthos lean one way for certain aspects of the game and another way for different aspects. Yet others find a mix of enjoying how structure and mood can commingle.

This is just a simple, basic summaries of all the psychographic profiles (and non-psychographic profiles of Vorthos and Melvin) of those who have waifus. Those profiles can be thinly divided into subarchetypes of their own, but I'll save that for another time. Take it easy, fellow brohnos.
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>> No. 1694 [Edit]
Very very interesting read. I can identify myself already from those archetypes, but would rather keep it to myself. Honestly I was quite confused when you started off with Timmy, Johnny, and Spike. Was wondering if you were in the right thread or not.
>> No. 1696 [Edit]
I guess I'm a Spike, though I'm not really trying to prove it to anyone, I just love mai waifu that much.
>> No. 1697 [Edit]
I really see how I fit into these archetypes. I'm a Vorthos/Johnny.
>> No. 1698 [Edit]
Your ridiculous devotion to developing these ideas towards the concept of waifus is astounding.

As for the content, I would think I fit into Spike, although some parts of the previous two fit me as well. I'm not entirely proud of why I'm a Spike, it actually makes me feel guilty. Feels kinda like I'm using my love as an excuse to cover up my inadequacy at devoting to other things, which in turn makes me question it.

As for Melthos, I can't even see where I sit in there. Probably close enough to right in the center.
>> No. 1699 [Edit]
I'd say I relate most to the Spike archetype. Though there is no merchandise really to show for it, I always want to draw pictures and write stories and such to bring mai waifu and I closer together. I may come off as a Dave to some not because the things I say are annoying or I don't sound sincere when talking about mai waifu, rather it's because I won't shut up about her. In a way my determination to prove my love for mai waifu is both a Spike quality and a Dave quality.
>> No. 1700 [Edit]
I guess I'm a Melvin. I like how Kanako looks. I like her personality. I like the way shes kind hearted. I like her devotion.

I had an idea that maybe we people on this board could create a wiki or work on a report to create a 'Unified Waifu Theory' which encompasses every kind of idea people have of their waifu.
>> No. 1701 [Edit]
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Wow... apparently I'm your average Johnny, with a bit of Spike tendencies...
and although I feel really tempted to subscribe as a Melthos, the series -great as it is- could never had such an impact on me if it weren't because of (what I recognized on) her, so I might be tilting a bit towards a Melvin.

Really well written post, btw. As a maniac of references and categorization, I'd be glad to read about those subarchetypes you mentioned.
>> No. 1702 [Edit]
God Tier: Johnny
Mid Tier: Timmy
Low Tier: Spike
Shit Tier: Dave
Too Complicated Tier: Melvin, Vorthos
how many people do you know called Vorthos anyway
>> No. 1703 [Edit]
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>> No. 1704 [Edit]
I think that would be very cool.
>> No. 1707 [Edit]
I suppose im a Timmy/Melvin/Vorthos with a bit of spike.

I enjoy mai waifus setting(vort) but she also embodies everything i love(mel, tim) and i would give anything to be closer to that golden god (spike, more tim)
>> No. 1708 [Edit]
I think Timmy would describe me best. Hanako makes me happy, and like I've said before she inspires me to do more to better myself. Though I might have some traces of spike, what with wanting to get more of her (with searching for and saving many pictures of her) and have an idea to sculpt and paint my own fig out of clay.

Though reading through the archetypes, I think you would fit Johnny best, Necrosage, since you think about this most and have delved into trying to explain why, what with making 2 threads on the subject.
>> No. 1756 [Edit]
I don't have enough time to further expand on those articles, since I need to study a bunch of crap. Also, not to mention that:

I was a Johnny long before I even had a waifu. Though in terms of non-waifu psychographic profiles, I'd roughly be a Johnny with Spike tendencies. Well, more likely than not, probably a Dave with strong Johnny and weak Spike tendencies ever since I read that damn article. I still strongly identify with Johnny in a sense. In terms of Melthos scale, I'd say pretty even except that I'm more of a Melvin than a Vorthos half of the time.

As for waifu psychographic profiles, I'm a Johnny with traces of Spike. Why Spike? Because sometimes she inspires me to do something. Because sometimes she inspires me to write articles or stop procrastinating on my work.

Of all the psychographic profiles, I feel that Dave and Spike are the easier profiles to break down, with Timmy and Johnny the harder profiles to break down. Melvin and Vorthos can't be broken down because they're not proper psychographic profiles.

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