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1684 No. 1684 [Edit]
Hey /mai/.

I'm just wondering how you guys deal with 3D situations getting in the way of your waifu and you?

I'm asking because there have been several situations where "3D" made me question my love for my waifu. Examples would include not being able to draw her as well as other people can, or shippers shipping her with other men, etc etc. I can't help but feel like crap... Hell, just the other day a close friend insulted a person who shared her name(and I didn't know or stop to ask), but I broke and got into a fight.

I love her so much, but it's like there's alot of obstacles from letting me have a peaceful life with her. I don't know what to do anymore. I know in my mind that my concept of my waifu differs from her original source, but I still can't help but pay attention to the attention she gets online and in real life.

What would you guys do?
>> No. 1686 [Edit]
Since when is being able to draw someone a requirement for loving them?
and who cares what other people might say about your waifu, if I imagine scenario's about my neighbor's wife marring some guy down the street, does that make her husband bad? of course not, it's silly.

Just try to learn to ignore what other people say, why should you care what they say about her or how they feel about your relationship?
>> No. 1687 [Edit]

He may just be paranoid. I think it's a phase that everybody goes through, 2D relationship or not; they're just scared. Of course, this may not be OP's particular situation..

OP, ignore it. It may be hard, and you might not feel like you're doing enough for your waifu; but I'm sure your undying love for her would suffice.
>> No. 1689 [Edit]
You know? I don't personally share that opinion of your feelings towards your waifu being enough. I mean: quite probably anyone can fall in love with and/or utterly admire someone and it's kind of authomatic (and pulling) actually, so just to experience that and take it as an action has no value for me. If I think I've found something really valuable, the least I try to do is to commemorate it somehow: to do some justice, to the luck of such a gift of an encounter given to a dipshit like me.

So I pretty much wear myself out, in order to be somehow worthy of calling mai waifu as such. I draw her my best, write to and about her, spend an enormous deal of time trying to understand her better, putting her into different discourses and contexts, trying to learn from her, to apply that knowledge to myself and to show people around (here) the result so they can realize how wonderful she is...

The thing is, of course, despite all my efforts, I'm simply not and not likely going to ever be worthy of even celebrate her. I draw like shit; I write even worst and I suck pathetically at reasoning; I'm a fucking old, ugly, unemployed and irresponsable babbling lazy motherfucker, who should be (tourtured and then) shot. But I don't give up on this; I keep on trying my best, surrounded by guilt and failure, simply because this what I want to do; because devoting myself to her makes me as happy as I can be, living the life I live.

So try your best...
and good luck.
We're all probably somehow stuck in here, but... who cares?
>> No. 1691 [Edit]
You shouldn't have to feel any guilt or anger towards people with this kind of thing. Arguing with them will get you no where since there is no direct conflict.

What the original source of the character and what you idoloized are most likely two completely different things with the exception of appearance. You have no reason to care if you can't draw her perfectly or if she gets shipped with other characters. That doesn't change a thing in reality/
>> No. 1692 [Edit]
I think the difference is in intent. You may be pathetic, but are you pathetic (mostly*) because you chose to or because of circumstances beyond your control? If its the latter, I personally think you are worthy of celebrating her.

*I say mostly because theres certainly a mix
>> No. 1715 [Edit]

>not being able to draw her as well

Stick figures are the literal height of my artistic skill. I wouldn't worry too much about that.

>shipping her with other men

Now that does feel shit. Really shit. But hey, normals gonna hate and shippers gonna ship. Do your best to block them out, they are irrelevant to you and your waifu.


>fucking old, ugly, unemployed and irresponsable babbling lazy motherfucker

I'm sure your waifu would disagree with you there. Don't deny it.
>> No. 1719 [Edit]
I don't care what people say about my waifu, I don't care who they ship her with, I don't really feel I have a monopoly on the character. I love her, and while I'd obviously stay away from material depicting her in a way I don't like, especially if it's an out of character fanfic or doujin or something, stuff like that gets on my nerves. It's something the character would never do, or a reaction they wouldn't have in that situation. But I'm digressing a bit.

Point is, I love her and that's all really. I don't care what other people think of her, what matters is what I think of her.

And I don't know how to draw anything more complex that stick figures.

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