No. 1670
>You use 'now' so frequently that it comes off as unbelievably pretentious, and there are some tense/punctuation issues that you should sort out.
Well, I grew up bilingual, so those were unintentional mistakes on my part.
Well, I'm someone who dabbles and deals in numbers, concepts, theories and absolutes. And I do tend to speak in this type of language if I wanted to clarify or explain something in depth. Sorry if it came across as a pretentious lecture, it's a strong habit of mine. And this wasn't exactly intended for those who embrace 'magical' concepts of waifus.
Well, I did say this:
>Now 'waifu-ism' or 'waifu movement' is home to a broad range of opinions, roughly similar to that of differing philosophies and ways of thought. Two people that have waifus may agree generally on the basics of having a waifu (and disagreeing with normals hellbent on 'normalizing' those who do have waifus), but they differ in terms of applying their waifu concept. Such is also the case for two people who share the same waifu. Maybe there could be different 'schools of waifu thought'.