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No. 1614 [Edit]
Here's something I found. Only skimmed through some parts of it, plan to read it again.


I'm sure you guys are very familiar with 2D love. I'm sure some of you find it silly while others take it seriously. I felt like writing down some of my thoughts on it all, but I'm also using some personal examples and experiences, so be prepared for a slightly biased view on it all. This isn't meant to be a persuasive blog post or anything, it's just me free writing my thoughts a bit.

First of all, I feel I should get the misconception out of the way that 2D lovers are actually in love with "ink on a page" or anything of that sort. I tend to see this comment quite often. Troll or not, it's showing ignorance. I'm sure there are some 2D lovers who do actually love the ink on the page, but a majority of us, from what I've seen, don't think this way. It's as if you have a photo of your wife. If someone points to that photo and asks who that is, the logical response would be to say that it's your wife. Of course, you're not saying the photograph is your wife, but the person in the photo. That's how 2D love is. It's the character that you'd be in love with, the one that the image shows. Everything about that character that makes them who they are. When you have a 2D lover, you love a concept, not a physical object. You love everything that the character represents.

"But she was made by some fat sweaty dude who wants you to like her, so he gets sales!"

And what if your girlfriend's father was some fat sweaty dude who made her for the purpose of hopefully getting into a rich family? Hypothetical of course, but does it really matter? Your girlfriend isn't her father. It doesn't matter who made her. She could have hideous parents and really hit the genetic jackpot to graze past all their bad genes and come out beautiful. Does that mean you love her less because her parents look like the back end of a horse?

"But she's not even real!"

What's the point here? We know this. You're not saying anything that will lead us to some kind of epiphany. We know this, and accept it. Some of us are glad about this fact. You're implying that you can look down on someone because they don't have a physical object to channel their emotions to? That they don't have a real person to lust over? This isn't even an argument, it's just someone thinking they can throw this as some sort of insult. It's a childish attempt to sling mud at someone.

Furthermore, most people into 2D don't want real. They realize that in reality, "happily ever afters" don't happen very often. Without diving too much into the subject (this could be a whole blog post on its own), people love 2D for many reasons. I often see people say that 2D lovers only love 2D because they can't get 3D, as if it's entirely ludicrous to love a character unless you're in the depths of depression. You can't summarize the human psyche like this. When it comes to the human brain, there is no clear cut path. I'm sure there are some who don't really like 2D, but turn to it as a form of happiness to divert their attention from a depressed life. These are the kind of people that, if given the chance, would absolutely leave their 2D lover for a real relationship. However, this is one case, and from the looks of it these people don't make up the majority of 2D lovers.

There are even those who love 2D and try to get attention from it, such as the dudes who marry their DS or dakimakura. I won't really judge them, but I personally feel as if they're just making fools of themselves, but perhaps my perspective on them would change if I actually talked to them and asked a few questions myself. Seems more like they just want to show everyone that they're "different" from the world.

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>> No. 1616 [Edit]
Whoever wrote this really understand how having a waifu works, I can't find anything that I disagree with.
>> No. 1617 [Edit]
What was the OP picture?
>> No. 1618 [Edit]
Just a random picture out of mai waifu folder. I deleted it because I still think the board has restrictions on the limit of the number of times you could post the same image.
>> No. 1622 [Edit]
Yeah, concerning the last bit about those who actually legally marry their waifu... It's something I really look down upon. Like the writer said, maybe if I got to know the person, my view may change just a little; but in general, actions like that really make me sigh in despair. Personally, I see it as pointless. The way I see, the only way the person would publicly marry their waifu is the have the title of an actual husband. That would be the only positive. If it meant that much to him, I'd understand; but there is also the incredibly heavy weight of negatives. Again; maybe he also felt that keeping his waifu a secret was the wrong thing to do, but look at all the negative attention they're getting. (I'm referring to SAL9000's marriage with Nene from LovePlus).

So in general , I really do think this writer knows alot about the term waifu. Matches with alot of what I perceive it as. There was a thread here about what the term waifu meant to some people (on a pdf file, no less!), and I agree on both accounts.
>> No. 1625 [Edit]
This writer really knows their stuff. I really wish more people were open minded about this kind of stuff or better yet educated like the writer. Naturally like with most things the negative and the outlandish are gonna be highlighted rather than the good. People like to hear about strange things like this because it makes them feel superior to those they're reading about, rather than keeping an open mind. I have caught myself a few times being judgemental despite not fully understanding something and I feel bad about it.
>> No. 1640 [Edit]
I really like the bit about someone having a picture of their wife. I'll use that if I ever get into a debate. (Unlikely, but still).
>> No. 1651 [Edit]
File 129895727326.png - (137.10KB , 1270x1589 , Ultimate_Waifu_Explanation.png )
This was an image posted by a brohno a while back on the old board. Hope this'll serve you well.
>> No. 1695 [Edit]
I'd like to take this thread and post any thing I find detailing the Waifu ideology. I will post more as I find them, I guess.



The last two is more about 2d girls than Waifus, though
>> No. 1718 [Edit]
Oh? Someone posted my blog entry here? Didn't think it'd spread outside my blog, was really just me writing down some thoughts. Well, nice to see that people agree with me. I really feel that some people think of pillow marriage and severe loneliness when they think of loving 2D, when there really is a lot more to it than that.
>> No. 1821 [Edit]
File 130069806534.jpg - (1.00MB , 981x3454 , 1300696328388.jpg )
I found another good explanation. It's worth the read.
>> No. 1941 [Edit]
Haha, as it happens this was originally written by someone here : >>765
All I did was put it in image form so that it would be easier to post, seeing as most people don't bother clicking on external links.

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