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File 129877745383.jpg - (159.44KB , 1200x853 , Konachan_com - 56430 blue_hair hat red_eyes remili.jpg )
1599 No. 1599 [Edit]
Say you find yourself in the universe your waifu inhabits. Of course your main wish would most likely be to acquaint yourself with her as soon as possible and try to win her affections. How would you go about this?

Personally, I have no idea what I'd do. I show up at her home out of the blue, a complete stranger. I doub't I'd even get past the front gate. I also wonder whether such a snobbish girl [I mean this affectionately] would even want to associate with a lowly plebian such as myself.

I find myself at a loss. Well, love will find a way, it's fated to be so. I was never good at planning things out, anyway.
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>> No. 1600 [Edit]
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I could try acting cool like this guy here...

but I'm not alpha/good-looking; and without any background there, I guess a homeless/unemployed dude like me, cigarrette on lips, unshaved and all dirty, attempting to even pick a word with a (protected) 14yo girl on the streets, would be promptly sent to the authorities (while she just gives me a disgusted glance, at the most).

Reality (or rather realism) fucks up everything.
>> No. 1601 [Edit]
My only hope would be to capture her and keep her locked in my basement.
>> No. 1602 [Edit]
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Well considering i'd probably be in her world during her show (and therefore 17/18 and in school still), i would probably be able to get to know her through our hobbies.
perhaps we might be playing the same game as each other without knowing or maybe one of us will get interested enough by what the other is reading or what anime/game related object we have to strike up a small chat once in a while.

Awkward part would come if i got to know her enough and ended up around all the others more often though.

it'd be so nice...
>> No. 1604 [Edit]
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Gifts, Mountains and mountains of gifts.

I would just find a job somewhere and save as much money as possible to buy dozens of flowers and candy and books and whatever else i think she may like.

I would then try to find her out on the street (she is a super hero for fucks sake, just go to the latest crime scene.) I would give her the gift and simply walk away.

Then probably do it again when i get more money.
I give her unrequited love in this world, why not do the same in hers?

Alternatively, just go to the Tower all alpha as fuck and pledge my eternal loyalty to her.
>> No. 1605 [Edit]
You can't buy love man.
>> No. 1606 [Edit]
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I don't really care. If I can play as the MC in her world, in her game, then there's no reason I can't take initiative in her world. Nothing is ever impossible. Love for waifus are never one-sided, when you think about it. But I honestly don't know how to approach this question, and if you really wanted a direct answer, I'd just give her 'trash', simply because she HATES the stuff. And in her world, giving a girl things that she likes makes her instantly like you a little more, unlike in most other worlds.

Even if she speaks in predetermined lines. ;_;
>> No. 1607 [Edit]
>Love for waifus are never one-sided
You really should explain this.
>> No. 1608 [Edit]
Its not the gifts themselves but the act of giving them without wanting something in return.

She probably wouldnt want me giving her things, but thats kinda the point.
>> No. 1609 [Edit]
To simplify, it's simply a feeling. If you feel love from your waifu, then it isn't two-sided. Haven't you felt a warm, fuzzy feeling while thinking about your waifu? Well, maybe that isn't quite accurate. If you feel loved, then you are loved. Maybe you would think that is one-sided, but the waifu is a concept that could love you back. Earlier, I thought that having a waifu is just a one-sided love concept, but after having that lucid dream of mine, it is a very much a type of two-sided love. In fact, love for waifus is more two-sided than actual 3D relationshit nonsense between a 3d male and a 3d female, simply because two-sided love doesn't exist anymore. It's all about people who are in a relationship for themselves, not for their so-called 'loved ones', but for themselves. But tje waifu concept is different, it isn't just simply 'love', it is also simply living to strive to live a life that would appeal to his waifu's sensibilities- a way of life that is emboldened through the idea of imagination. This is just one of my definitions of what defines the waifu concept.

I could get into the concept that you are your waifu, but I'm tired already and have to think about this carefully. (It's literally 7 in the morning, and I've been up all night)
>> No. 1612 [Edit]
File 129882956549.jpg - (319.08KB , 698x962 , I bet my waifu could beat up your waifu.jpg )
I’m in a similar situation to you, OP, and I've actually thought about this a lot.

Like, a LOT.

First of all, I somehow wind up in not only Japan, but Gensokyo. I have basically been transported back to feudal Japan, with mythical creatures thrown in, while knowing almost no Japanese.

Most important is where I am, specifically. If I'm in the middle of nowhere, I'm youkai food, but if I'm in the human village, I'm suddenly the center of attention for short period. I’ll try to find the people with the highest chance of knowing how to help me, like Rinnosuke or Keine, though all I can really do right now is focus every second of the day on trying to learn the language. (Yukari could help, too, though it’s anyone’s guess if she actually will). If I manage to become fluent, then my next priority is figuring out how to contact Tenshi. I don't think I could have chosen a more difficult love interest; not only is she a snobby Touhou, she doesn't even live on Earth. Exactly how everything proceeds after this point largely depends on how people have come to view me.

I'm a nice, fairly friendly guy, so it is hoped people like me enough. I ask Reimu to take me to Heaven so I can find Tenshi and confess to her. My respectability will probably drop a few points for being in love with such a widely disliked girl, but either Reimu respects my decision anyway, or she thinks taking me to meet Tenshi is good payback. ( ´_ゝ`)

We find a beautiful, bored-looking girl spinning on a floating rock and singing to herself. Noticing Reimu and I, she hops off and asks if we've come to play. I didn’t get her a gift because she wouldn’t like such a mundane way to express my feelings; I have to prove it through my actions. But how to confess? If I just rush it out, she might like such exciting spontaneity, but it might also creep her out and ruin my chances for good (there's also the issue of if I'd even be able to do that in the first place). However, if I pace myself, she might get bored and I ruin my chances there, too. Assuming I play it right and manage to pique her curiosity, I quickly have to prove I’m worth her time.

Tenshi seems to be the questioning type, which is good, since it’s less work for me, but if she asks things like, “What makes you think a lowly human has any chance with a celestial like me?”, I’m in trouble. I really can’t think of anything, short of flat-out boasting I’d make sure she’s never bored. That’s a tall order to fulfill. If she buys it, life isn’t going to be easy for a while, but love takes a lot of work.

And this is all just trying to win her over; I haven’t even gotten to becoming her boyfriend, meeting her parents, proposing to her, and of course, dealing with the fact she is immortal and I’m still just a human. Wherefore art thou, Tenshi?
>> No. 1613 [Edit]
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>dealing with the fact she is immortal and I’m still just a human.
She's not technically immortal, I think, she just 'defeats' the shinigami that come to win her soul over again and again. I'm sure if she wanted to, the aloof girl would give up her immortality for you.

As for myself, I would be in the same situation as you, right up until the shrine. I think I might stay there for a spell, until I meet her as she visits, of course. I'm not sure how I would approach the bold, carefree ginger-haired girl, however, that I haven't put much thought into. I don't think she'd notice or remember me, or even care about it too much either, she'd probably be up and about quickly after I would meet her anyway, if she wasn't off playing or drinking as her high-spirited self usually does.

>I could get into the concept that you are your waifu, but I'm tired already and have to think about this carefully.
If you will, I'd like to hear more about this idea.
>> No. 1619 [Edit]
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I have no idea how to go about it. I mean she's psychic, she would know every single detail about me before I could even open my mouth. The only idea I have is to challenge her to a battle, hope to win her respect through it and that's it. Even with that she is the one who decides whether or not she wants to pursue anything. With only one encounter would everything be decided. It could either be a major advantage or be the very thing that ends my hopes and dreams. All this said, I'd be scared beyond belief approaching her.
>> No. 1621 [Edit]
Well, it'd be hard; since I don't know what I'd do from the start. I would assume I exist in her time before she was picked as an idol.

That being said, I would barge in 765Pro and kick the current producer(if there was one to begin with), and apply for a position as their main Producer. Then, just like in the games, I would be given the choice of which Idol I'd want to train. This answer is obvious, of course; and front that, I would begin my loving relationship with her.
>> No. 1666 [Edit]
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OK, I think I see where you're going... and if that's the case, I agree.
But rather, I wouldn't say is a never one-sided love, but instead a never unrequited love; since, rightly so, the source (the reference) for your re-created beloved entity (eromenos) being a fictional character, means that she can't ever possibly reject you, if simply because she doesn't exist.
>> No. 1667 [Edit]
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I'd find myself in a situation very similar to yours.

I have thought about this and I came to a simple conclusion. I'd wait out until the next big event and thus, youkai hunt, and try to build my stake in it. If I cant even defeat the same beings my waifu tears through so often, then I do not deserve her affection. If I succeed I'd confess then and there, after I see myself as someone good enough for her. The last thing I want is to be a burden on anyone.

In the likely event of my failure, I can at least be happy knowing I tried. But in Gensokyo, anything should be possible, so I guess it will be forever up in the air.

Training in Makai seems like a smart yet risky thing to do while I wait though.
>> No. 1669 [Edit]
I'm confident that all I'd have to do is be myself and salmon the wit to make a few crappie fish puns, then go with the current from there. Once I met her, of course. In-story, she's currently floating in a bubble surrounded by elder gods, all in the middle of a place where time and space are more like tangled yarn than a neat mesh, and the only way to go there and stay there is to die.

Luckily, the more accessible part of her universe is being ravaged by a nigh omnipotent canine that's always more than happy to spill a little blood. I doubt I'd even have to make a choice; unless I'm transported onto a well hidden asteroid, death is certain.
>> No. 1672 [Edit]
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I might end up in the same position as this guy <<
>> No. 1674 [Edit]
I like how your name is even the game handle that Satou uses in the manga.
>> No. 1675 [Edit]
i havnt read the manga but i know he uses it in the anime as well
>> No. 1677 [Edit]
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I've thought about this thoroughly as well

I figure there are two options: either I am in her world or she is in mine

If I am in her world I would have to be born into a family that lives by her when she was a child, so I could then find her, make friends and eventually help with her family problems. This would bring us together

If she is in my world then it becomes trickier, for I would only be able to see her when she comes to America, but of course I wouldn't know where she would choose to study, so it would be a bit of cat-and-mouse.

In either case I would win her love without contest, via preempting Tomoya or him simply not existing.

I know that whatever the fantasy, I have what it takes to be worthy of her, and that is perhaps my greatest comfort.
>> No. 1678 [Edit]
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I should probably add that because of her genius and her interest in foreign language AND her decision to study abroad in America, the language barrier is almost certainly nonexistent. That's also pretty awesome.
>> No. 1716 [Edit]
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In a concise form: Sign up, join ground forces, fight Neuroi, meet Erica, playful acquaintance, clandestine wartime romance.
>> No. 1722 [Edit]
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Attend school.
Eventually see her.
Strike up conversation.
Ask her out.
Simple stuff.
>> No. 1733 [Edit]
In all honesty, I don't think it would be possible. She's a widow, and she evidently loved her husband. There's no way I'd be able to get in the middle of that, no matter how much I'd want to. Kind of sad to think about...

However, if I did manage to get over that hurdle, I'd probably have to take up residence in her building, first. After that, it'd just be me trying to help out, cleaning up, running out for groceries, stuff like that. Hopefully all of that would make her think a little better of me. I don't know where I'd go from there, though. I'd probably just put in the hands of chance and hope that she initiates the romance. I wouldn't even care about having a Sekirei or anything, I'd just want her, with or without Pokemon powers.

Man, I ran over this scenario billions of times in my head, and yet it's so difficult to get it out in writing...
>> No. 2888 [Edit]
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>> No. 2889 [Edit]
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>> No. 2890 [Edit]
she's usually alone and doesn't really have anyone to hang out with aside from her sister/friend.
true, but the MC in AIR didn't have a job, a car or even a home.
>> No. 2892 [Edit]
I hate this picture. Not because it's insulting, but because 90% of the time it's untrue.
>> No. 2893 [Edit]
he was a travelling magical puppeteer
im sure he was raking in the dough
>> No. 2894 [Edit]
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I would get a job where she works.
I would stay in the same apartment complex.
I would hang out at the same place she does.
I would establish myself as an emotional foothold that she could go to.

About the only thing I've ever been good at is listening to people and providing support to people I actually give a shit about. My goal is to have us repeatedly see each other around and eventually start hanging around and provide the shoulder for her to cry on. She is so sad and depressed and all I want is for her to be happy.
>> No. 2896 [Edit]
>predetermined lines

Actually not really.

You see, you wouldn't be transported into the anime/visual novel/game where your waifu is; you would be in a "3D" version of your waifu's universe (in which all person within said universe would have individual agency, real feelings/emotions, the capacity to return your love directly, though it would be based on the template of the source material).
>> No. 2899 [Edit]
And possibly be accused of stalking her. Come on, man, you should know better than that. Doing one of the above should be more than enough if you wish to establish a baseline to build off of, but not all of them.
>> No. 2901 [Edit]
True but you kinda hit what my intention was, I'm not very good at communicating my thoughts.

To word it better I would try to make myself visible and known without giving the stalker vibe. I don't get noticed very often for anything other than being a tall fucking guy so I would try and make myself visible in more than just that way. Although, I'm not very good with women so it probably wouldn't even work then.

Post edited on 26th May 2011, 8:31am
>> No. 2902 [Edit]
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>My goal is to have us repeatedly see each other around and eventually start hanging around and provide the shoulder for her to cry on... all I want is for her to be happy.

<---- THIS.

I acknowledge your good intentions (and it's commendable); but tsunderes like her -or mai waifu- don't really seem to fall for that (they're nuts); they might even reject what we think they are in need of (wich our love feels naturally willing to provide), and demand for something very different. How to appropriately solve this? fucking mystery.

Post edited on 26th May 2011, 8:45am
>> No. 2904 [Edit]
Kinda but I'm just being randomly inserted in, I don't have any backstory so I'm kind of just a face. If I had any type of background with her it would be different but I'm judging by what the OP said that we aren't ingrained in the story at all. I'm trying to bring myself into it.

Gotta start somewhere. Then again, I've never been good with women (in any capacity past friendship) so I'm probably going about this all the wrong way.
>> No. 2938 [Edit]
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The problem is that not only did she attend an all-girls high school, but in the new manga she's attending an all-girls college as well. So I really don't know how I would go about meeting her and spending time with her. Maybe if she got a part-time job somewhere I could work with her? Of course, I don't want to be perceived as a stalker just trying to go wherever she is.

Not having to deal with this problem is one of the few advantages of being a world apart, I suppose.
>> No. 2960 [Edit]
I would impress her, protect her and visit the cafe shop where works and try to know each other more.

Post edited on 27th May 2011, 8:46am
>> No. 2961 [Edit]
I used to think about this a lot when I was younger and to some extent still do, but no where near as much as I used too since its just to sad to think about. I would think of scenarios and flag events in my head then fall asleep to them at night since nothing else helps me sleep. You see ever since i can remember I've slept in a really, really weird position. I cross my legs and put my head down on my pillow and I gently rock back and forth. Usually I listen to music or just lose myself into thoughts, I'll usually do this for an hour or so until I sleep. I don't know why I do this or how it started, I'm into my 20s and its only ruining my back and it looks like I got pregnant on my back because of the skin stretching, whatever, I"m retarded.

The point is that I've had a lot of time to think about this, hour or two a night for my entire life. The events would consist of simple things from being introduced, going to class, working, exploring town, doing whatever I could do. I would usually interact with her and her friends and build my relationship with each person as required. I would cook, clean, do it all right in my head. I've really lost myself in my own fake reality. A common one is dinner and dance and I would imagine everything down to how the food was prepared to the special outfit she would be wearing. Pretty dresses to casual clothes, hair up or down. Etc. Picnic in the park, talking though personal problems we were going though, I would make up crap for her to go though and add my own in for comfort, try and her a little less 'perfect' and more real.

Although within the last year I'm slowly coming to terms at what I really am. My life isn't going to change, I'm never going to amount to anything. Its pretty much exactly as Tewi says.

Maybe if I knew her in reality and not my own head I wouldn't have failed at life, have a beaten up car and work a garbage job. Maybe I would have finished school, maybe my family wouldn't hate me for what little I'm worth that I give 80% of my paycheck out of pure guilt.

If she was in our world. I would be complete scum to her. If I was in hers it would probably be the exact same.

Hell if I couldn't make the Canadian school system I'd probably kill myself in the Japanese.

I've kind of gone on a ramble here about useless crap. Sorry about that
>> No. 3076 [Edit]
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The question would be if she is still in love with her brother or if he already decided for Naru (or better said she for him).
I think i would simple stick to her without being a nuisance and help her whenever she needs help.
I´ll see if she likes me or not, either way it would be enough to meet her.

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