No. 1623
I saw the previous thread, but for sake of this thread, I feel that I should reply.
In general, yes; I do feel some sort of feeling when the touchy subject about my waifu comes up. When people mention her, or when I unfortunately witness doujins of her; I feel a bit of anger, a bit of regret, and a huge bit of confusion. When it's over the net, it's no business; I know that the internet is full of people that are there only to troll. Usually, I hide the fact that I even have a waifu; for the sole purpose of protecting myself-- meaning nobody can attack me(using my waifu).
Things can be different though. I have a few friends who I introduced the term waifu to. They are the generally nice and understanding group of people, but sometimes, I feel as if their idea of waifu is galaxies different from mine. When they even mention her, I feel as if they're personally attacking me. I try not to feel this way and usually just shrug it off, but the feeling is still there and it leaves me sour until I forget about the incident.
Sometimes, I wish I should've just kept quiet about having a waifu. But then again, I feel that I am strong enough to survive attacks and ridicule; maybe because I took it upon myself as a duty.