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1578 No. 1578 [Edit]
Do you guys get a pang of jealousy/sadness when someone else has the same waifu as you? Over the past couple of months, I have realized that this happens to me, and it hurts like hell. Picture related. It's mai waifu.
>> No. 1580 [Edit]
I don't get jealous, I get competitive. As in, "I bet I love her more than you."
>> No. 1581 [Edit]
I get a little aggravated, becuase I can't help but feel they "claim" her as a waifu for the wrong reasons, they don't really care for her, or they objectify her, and although I have not seen many people that have her as a waifu, this does seem to be the case from what I have seen, and it down right disgusts me to think about how they might treat her.
>> No. 1582 [Edit]
This... until I remember we don't actually love the same character, but our own (different, unique) recreations of a common source.
>> No. 1584 [Edit]

Lately, the same threads are posted over and over again. And I don't just mean /mai/, it happens everywhere (especially on /so/). On some fora (also inb4 the fora vs forums debate all over again) digging up old threads is frowned upon. That's not the case on /tc/ (or at least it wasn't last time I checked) so please, just look at older threads to make sure whether creating a new thread is really necessary.
>> No. 1585 [Edit]
If some uf us are up to re-think our answers and participate again, in a refreshed discussion, these threads might not be necessarily a burden...
But I also acknowledge and share your point: in order to avoid repetitive answers around similar to identical topics, mere reposts should be highly discouraged.
>> No. 1589 [Edit]
Whoop dee fuckin' doo.
>> No. 1590 [Edit]

>If some uf us are up to re-think our answers and participate again, in a refreshed discussion, these threads might not be necessarily a burden...

Even if that's the case there's no need to recreate threads which we already have. It's not like you can't post in the same thread twice if you changed your mind/would like to add something.

I understand that a new thread attracts renewed attention, not to mention that for some reason people are usually much more eager to participate in threads that were recently created rather than post in older ones, even if the amount of replies in both is similar. I also understand (well, not really, but I know that that's the case) that for most (?) people it's more fun to participate in 'ongoing' threads (as opposed to reading 'dead' ones). However, there are some well-thought-out posts in old threads which deserve some attention (and let me say that such posts are getting scarce nowadays) and by creating new threads you are burying them. It hasn't been even 4 months since we 'restarted' and it's like this already so I can imagine it will only get worse (unless something is done about it). In half a year whenever a new user will appear he'll look at the page count and think 'like hell I'm gonna look through 40 pages just to find out whether this has been discussed before' to himself and create the same thread again. It's a typical snowball effect.


... Excuse me, what?
>> No. 1591 [Edit]
Yeah, running through the pages I found this here >>738
>> No. 1623 [Edit]
I saw the previous thread, but for sake of this thread, I feel that I should reply.

In general, yes; I do feel some sort of feeling when the touchy subject about my waifu comes up. When people mention her, or when I unfortunately witness doujins of her; I feel a bit of anger, a bit of regret, and a huge bit of confusion. When it's over the net, it's no business; I know that the internet is full of people that are there only to troll. Usually, I hide the fact that I even have a waifu; for the sole purpose of protecting myself-- meaning nobody can attack me(using my waifu).

Things can be different though. I have a few friends who I introduced the term waifu to. They are the generally nice and understanding group of people, but sometimes, I feel as if their idea of waifu is galaxies different from mine. When they even mention her, I feel as if they're personally attacking me. I try not to feel this way and usually just shrug it off, but the feeling is still there and it leaves me sour until I forget about the incident.

Sometimes, I wish I should've just kept quiet about having a waifu. But then again, I feel that I am strong enough to survive attacks and ridicule; maybe because I took it upon myself as a duty.
>> No. 1752 [Edit]
Ugh, this.
Especially when I looked on Marry Your Favorite Online Character or some shit just for shits and giggle"s.
42 people "married" to her
Every single one was married to at least 5 others as well.

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