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File 129869801564.jpg - (363.25KB , 1280x1024 , galaxy_angel_2_1280.jpg )
1566 No. 1566 [Edit]
Does anyone else find it difficult to sexualize their waifu? I can't fap to characters I care about for some reason.
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>> No. 1567 [Edit]
No. The relationship between me and my waifu contains lotsof sex in it. However I don't really get a boner or fap to her.
>> No. 1568 [Edit]
No. My waifu's sexiness/cuteness is one of the reasons I love her
>> No. 1569 [Edit]
I believe that Hanako is too pure to be sexualized.

But knowing that KS is an eroge, I know that it will happen. I don't particularly want it to be sexual, but there's a difference between sex and making love. If she wants to, then I will be ready.
>> No. 1570 [Edit]
Primarily due to the lack of anything really 'ecchi' or perverted of her (though i could always shop some konata pictures really...).

Lately though, late at night before bed, my thoughts mildly travel to intimate things.
>> No. 1571 [Edit]
>there's a difference between sex and making love
>> No. 1592 [Edit]
Yes. I do not like to think of her sexually, either. At least because, all the h material I've seen of her was either rape or taking advantage of her, so I guess I associate it with that.
>> No. 1594 [Edit]
One is just pleasure and the other is a more intimate way to showing one's love.
>> No. 1595 [Edit]
File 129875219711.jpg - (108.67KB , 966x600 , eoe_11.jpg )
I do consider her extremely beautiful, hot, sexy... but I don't feel like fapping to her just yet, for that bussiness is merely a mechanical need for me to get rid off that gratuitous distraction. Like the old writer said: I am practically impotent, to tell the melancholy truth. All 3D sexual activity had been pretty dissapointing to me, since I got easily distracted with my own thoughts. So I do sexualize mai waifu, a lot, but in more subtle/romantic/narrative... well: intellectual ways, wich I find much more arrousing than just framing random sexual intercourses, or any fan service circa stuff.
>> No. 1596 [Edit]
Yes, I just feel disgusted and offended at the thought. Especially if they ask for rape doujins or fanart of mai waifu, and they speak of how 'she'll enjoy it' simply because she's speaking in opposites. Because of it (though not the only reason), I am quite hostile to the idea of associating mai waifu with anything remotely sexual.

I have trouble sexualizing girls that I care about. It just... seems so out of place. I just feel disgusted. They're too cute, too pure, they should not be tarnished by impure thoughts. Even thinking ecchi about them makes me blank my mind out for a few seconds, the very concept is literally unthinkable to me. I do have suggestive pictures of her, I just jump straight to the thought of cuddling.
>> No. 1624 [Edit]
I'm going to be honest, but I do fap to my waifu. Quite a bit lately, actually. I've been trying to figure out the psychological reasoning behind why I don't feel disgust or anything; even if there is some sort of rape or non-consensual action was shown. Maybe it's because the person in the doujin is a different person than the person I know-- and maybe (and I caught myself thinking sometimes) , I treat it as some sort of loving roleplay that we share or something.
>> No. 1639 [Edit]
You're into NTR, congratulations.
>> No. 1641 [Edit]

I don't think of it like that. Even the thought of NTR pisses me off. Could be denial though, I'm not sure. All I know is that not once have I thought of NTR when it comes to anything close to my waifu. It's sort of a forbidden thing that gives me headaches.
>> No. 1642 [Edit]
It's probably more like that you think you are the guy fucking your waifu.
>> No. 1643 [Edit]

Sounds pretty harsh when you bluntly say it like that; and I don't want to really continue this conversation but yes, I think that is how I think of it.
>> No. 1644 [Edit]
Sorry for being blunt, but that's the one thing that people always say about me. Sorry if I actually offended you. Didn't really mean any harsh feelings, but I usually just say what's on my mind at the moment.
>> No. 1645 [Edit]

Haha, no problem bro. I'm usually blunt with my friends too. Apology accepted~
>> No. 1650 [Edit]
I have a hard time sexualizing mai waifu too. I have no aversion to it, just that I am a bit intimidated by her. Sure she can be scary, but she is so sweet, loving, and beautiful. I just want the mood, if you will, to be perfect for such things. This is a hard thing to do when you don't feel worthy of such a precious young lady.
I do love her and want to be as close to her as possible. It doesn't even have to be sex. A warm embrace, a soft kiss...true happiness.
>> No. 1679 [Edit]
I have a hard time sexualizing characters in general. If I know they're from a series, I can't fap to them.
>> No. 1680 [Edit]
File 129916920375.jpg - (26.84KB , 342x640 , 76bcbb10551c20_full.jpg )
My waifu is too nice to fap to.
>> No. 1709 [Edit]
>Does anyone else find it difficult to sexualize their waifu?
No; I am a pervert.
>> No. 1710 [Edit]
You just announced in IRC you were fapping to her.
>> No. 1713 [Edit]
I can see OP's point, I do have a soft spot for her.

It turns hard, though.
>> No. 1723 [Edit]
File 129984729617.jpg - (25.91KB , 150x150 , myuki.jpg )
She's too cute.

I've fapped to her before but it just makes me think I've defaced her.


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