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File 129852888260.jpg - (37.06KB , 394x617 , [Baaka] Sora no Otoshimono Forte - 02 [1280x720][F.jpg )
1563 No. 1563 [Edit]
I don't need to hear "I love you"
I need you to feel alive

Stolen quotes that describe our love for our waifu
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>> No. 1564 [Edit]
"I love you god damn it"
>> No. 1575 [Edit]
File 129871166925.jpg - (127.96KB , 532x357 , asuka strikes.jpg )
One can survive acknowledging that a given woman is the most beautiful we ever saw; but it's way harder to keep on living, when one is absolutely sure she's also the most beautiful women we'll ever see.
-Rodrigo Fresan

Sometimes I think that all anyone needs in life is lots of popcorn and a few [screen] Lovelies... Unrequited love is bad, but unrequitable love can really get you down.
-Sam Savage

I happened to glimpse... a look on her face I cannot exactly describe... an expression of helplessness so perfect that it seemed to grade into one of rather comfortable inanity, just because this was the very limit of injustice and frustration.
What I had madly possessed was not she, but my own creation... perhaps, more real... overlapping and encasing her; floating between me and her, and having no will, no consciousness -indeed, no life of her own... as if she were a photographic image rippling upon a screen and I a humble hunchback abusing myself in the dark.
Did I ever mention that her bare arm bore the 8 of vaccination? That I loved her hopelessly? That she was only fourteen?
And the sun was on her lips.

-Vladimir Nabokov

Oh, the devil take all thinking!
And the devil take all women!
Except one.

-Henrik Ibsen
>> No. 1576 [Edit]
Look here — I believe without question, or have the certain knowledge, that she loves me. I believe without question, or have the certain knowledge, that I love her. It has been sincerely meant. But has it also been foolish, etc?
-Vincent van Gogh

it seems to me this may be a dream
as loose as lucid could be. life is not but a dream to me.
let the water take you freely, with the current. row down the stream.
oh god, all i have got is pillow marks on the inside of my arms.

-Make Me - But It Felt So Real
>> No. 1579 [Edit]
File 129872244995.jpg - (818.63KB , 950x1300 , favfavver2 Tenshi space.jpg )
My love for you

is like a truck
>> No. 1583 [Edit]
"you're everything I never knew I always wanted"
>> No. 3103 [Edit]
>You don't always get what you want, but sometimes, you get what you need

>There are two ways to live your life - one is as though nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle.

>No, this trick won't work...How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love?

And that is all
>> No. 3206 [Edit]
"You know...you are spending a lot of time, money and effort on this one person. You use the time you need to study to walk alongside with her, you use the money you could use to repair your car to buy her a gift or take her out to dinner and you use all your energy to meet her expectations...
And all you get after all these days, months and years is a smile...and you are complete happy with it.

-An old friend of mine
>> No. 3207 [Edit]
>> No. 3321 [Edit]
File 130827735093.jpg - (308.83KB , 600x928 , 634709 - baka_to_test_to_shoukanjuu black_legwear .jpg )
"Love has nothing to do with gender."

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