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File 128972574235.png - (249.78KB , 936x662 , 100% Trufax.png )
150 No. 150 [Edit]
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>> No. 151 [Edit]
I like to think I can safely say that's not true.
She's the kind of girl that keeps a bit to herself but is nice to everyone.

in fact, most waifus seem to the kind that to not really hang with hoards of popular girls or and can be very nice and friendly to loser creeps, they have to to like the loser MC's
>> No. 153 [Edit]
File 128972713365.jpg - (222.12KB , 800x600 , 1268965132808.jpg )
actually hanako would rather be alone reading a book as she hates being around a group of people.

she probably despises popular people
>> No. 154 [Edit]
File 128973162124.jpg - (358.31KB , 950x1350 , Energetic_satorin_26.jpg )
I doubt this somewhat.
>> No. 155 [Edit]
But she's not real. So your statement, Tewi, is trivial. /thread
>> No. 161 [Edit]
File 128973544645.jpg - (181.32KB , 961x721 , as0.jpg )
Well, real or not, she could do a lot of things (she's outstanding *chuu~*). For instance, of course she could not just hang out with airhead wannabe bitches, but easily become the local queen-bee amongst them; even if just to show off a little and kill some time, until dying from boredom and return to her thoughts and private life. She can be all messed up, alright; but social angst crap and emo pseudo-problems alike, are far trivial and juvenile for her already...

That she wouldn't like me? well, there's no doubt about it: she'd hate me. I knew it from the start; I'm ok with things that way; it's like Woody Allen said (on Annie Hall, I think): "I would never never join a club that had ME as a member" (even on the interwebz; that's why Anonymous posting does the trick)...

I just love her and that's enough. She gives me the rare -before lost- oppotunity, with her beautiful (aesthetical) existence, to deposit good feelings into someone who deserves them.

(Looked like a troll thread, but actually had fun replying. Thanks OP)
>> No. 162 [Edit]
File 128975524491.jpg - (131.93KB , 704x396 , 1245814311691.jpg )
>Shy quiet otaku
>> No. 163 [Edit]
On an unrelated note, I think I'm going to rewatch Evangelion again. Forgot how much I loved that series. Asuka's the shit.

Back on topic, I don't think my waifu would hang out with the popular girls - As she's too old for that shit. The creep aspect is up in the air, though.
>> No. 164 [Edit]
File 128976516853.jpg - (98.27KB , 1280x1513 , kuroko.jpg )
If my waifu were real it would be illegal for me to do anything with her because she's like 14
>> No. 165 [Edit]

14 is perfectly legal in some countries.
>> No. 166 [Edit]
(i wouldn't normally inb4 on tohno; but) inb4 Kokonoe pics with Nabokov quotes about Greeks, Himalayas, etc... you know: nymphets over time and cultures (O tempora, o mores!)
>> No. 169 [Edit]
File 128979121019.jpg - (19.66KB , 517x609 , Osaka (3).jpg )
My waifu is real, you see. She just doesn't have a human body. Her soul is as real as yours and mine. I talk to her every day. When I ascend to paradise, I shall be united with her in body and soul. After a much-earned slap to the face, of course.

Just because you can't touch or see her doesn't mean she doesn't exist. You just have to believe that she's waiting for you, ever patiently, in the next world.
>> No. 171 [Edit]
File 12898058659.png - (250.86KB , 480x360 , Tenshi Finger.png )
The image only applies to a minority of waifus; otaku tend to pick the unpopular girls because they can relate to them.

Tenshi definitely wouldn't hang out with the popular girls, because the popular girls kind of hate her. I don't think Reimu appreciates her home being destroyed, especially when the reason for doing so is, "I was bored".

Ah, my lovable little troll~
>> No. 236 [Edit]
>Her soul is as real as yours and mine.
>When I ascend to paradise, I shall be united with her
Could you elaborate on that? I'm new to this waifu thing.
>> No. 283 [Edit]
File 129090802668.png - (155.52KB , 409x456 , Super_Sonic_Osaka_by_Shinobubu.png )
This is my belief, which I think may be something not a lot of husbandos do. I alone may follow such a thought process.

I believe Osaka has a spirit, a soul. I really do believe Osaka is real. She is waiting for me in heaven. When I see her picture, or watch her on a screen, I feel that her soul is directly communicating to me.

When my body dies, my soul will go to heaven and meet her There, we can finally truly meet. Out bodies will be restored (I suppose hers already is) and forever will we be united.

nb4 religion discussion.
>> No. 287 [Edit]
File 129091641319.jpg - (173.35KB , 640x453 , 1290162404606.jpg )
About mai waifu? I certainly don't think that's true. She isn't popular at all. She may hang out with some friends of hers, but she always feels left out and even remarks about that. Not many people appreciate her unique ways. After all, she loves useless items and speaks in opposites. Most probably think she's just some kind of creepy backwards-talking, trash-collecting freak and they don't really see the person underneath her 'odd' exterior.

In some ways, I think I just described myself. Go figure.

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