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File 128970330318.jpg - (340.04KB , 966x1400 , re-take4-001.jpg )
149 No. 149 [Edit]
ITT: doujins about your waifu you actually like.
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>> No. 167 [Edit]
File 128978388730.jpg - (69.87KB , 700x548 , truncated.jpg )
Not many. For some reason she seems to be a magnet for horrible rape doujins
>> No. 170 [Edit]
File 128979144632.jpg - (918.71KB , 1394x2018 , remake_00.jpg )
Karsea's Remake doujin. I consider it to be canon. Just wish the bastard would've been easier on her ass. He seems like a nice guy for her though.

He's surely more deserving of Osaka than I ;_;
>> No. 173 [Edit]
File 128980672615.jpg - (1.88MB , 2308x1600 , the_tenkomori_01.jpg )
I love The Tenkomori. Basically, Tenshi and Yukari fight in a ton of different places and times, including modern-day Manhattan. I live in Manhattan, too, so double points there.

Also, I don't see how you can NOT like Retake. It's one of the best manga I've ever read, doujin or otherwise.
>> No. 174 [Edit]
File 128980997930.jpg - (166.50KB , 796x729 , re-take4-196.jpg )
wut? no! i DO love retake, very much; that's why i put it. indeed, it's a must see exhibit of true quality doujin. sorry if my writing was confusing.
>> No. 179 [Edit]
All the ones that aren't porn
>> No. 184 [Edit]
No, I'm saying I don't see how ANYONE could dislike it. Your wording was fine.
>> No. 1126 [Edit]
File 129609321828.jpg - (129.04KB , 1017x773 , Osaka_Doujins.jpg )
In the meantime since this post, I have discovered a slew of Osaka doujins I want. I have digital versions of some of these, but I want the hard-copies.

The one I want to most is "Game Dome Ariake", with the cover showing Osaka holding up her finger. She's cock-girl in that one, and I love that. Osaka could have a penis or a vagina, I will love her in any form.

Having said that, the thought of Osaka having a big uncut cock (and getting good use out of it) and balls under that girly pink skirt of hers is a very thrilling and exciting concept.

Ovacas Sketch looks good too, as in the drawing style looks really good. But I could say that for every one of them, because Osaka's on the cover and she always looks good to me.

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