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File 129782408974.png - (145.75KB , 472x249 , Osaka_Toph.png )
1425 No. 1425 [Edit]
Since accepting Osaka as my waifu, I have found it impossible to fap to her. In response, I have come to particularly enjoy fapping to pictures of Toph Bei Fong from Avatar: The Last Airbender.

In my relationship with Osaka, there are many women, and even some men. But only Osaka gets the title of “waifu”. Since I consider Osaka so pure, Toph has become by concubine, in essence. I find her very cute and beautiful too, but I don’t love her like Osaka. Not as much, if you will. Her independent and arguably boyish personality is desirable too.

Now, this might contradict with your waifu philosophy, but this is my ideal, and I feel that no-one in my circle of “fictional” characters objects to it.

So needless to say, I was quite happy to find this picture.
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>> No. 1426 [Edit]
I don't know how to respond to this.
>> No. 1427 [Edit]
I'm not going to hate or anything, but I find it odd. Personally I don't like my fap material to overlap with my waifu at all.
>> No. 1429 [Edit]
I don't mind fapping to my waifu as long as it's not guro or anything (then again I hate that no matter what). I just hate when she's poorly drawn in hentai, like they make her breasts too big
>> No. 1431 [Edit]
Me neither. Personally I don't like to 'dirty' my idea of my waifu. However, waifu is analogous to wife, and people do have sex with their wives, so why not fap to our waifu?

The idea of having a 'concubine' alongside your waifu somewhat disgusts me, as I see it as being unfaithful, but again veryone has their own approach and philosophy concerning this matter, so I am nto going to question anyone's choices especially when nobody is getting hurt.
>> No. 1433 [Edit]
Pretty much this, i fap to mai waifu but see it as something beyond just getting off.

While Toph is very sexy and i do fap to her sometimes i treat THAT as merely jerking it to a drawing.
>> No. 1446 [Edit]
This. Hanako is too pure for me to do that too.

I'm actually somewhat embarrassed to admit this, but I'm actually nervous about the upcoming full game since, well, there's gonna be h-scenes, and ...... well ...... I guess I'm just not ready yet...
>> No. 1447 [Edit]
I have a fine line between waifu and fap material.

I don't even think I should have put them in the same sentence; but there are times when I have fapped to a picture or doujin of her. Usually I just throw it off as some sort of roleplay or something and my mind is perfectly fine with it, but like anon said; i treat it higher than just fapping.
>> No. 1449 [Edit]
I'm with you on this. I think it's fine so long as you have a loving intent. For me it's like if Sabrina were real and we made love. We'd be doing just that, making love. It would be the ultimate display of affection between us, as opposed to meaningless sex that's only done for physical pleasure or fapping for the same reason.
>> No. 1450 [Edit]
File 12978456534.jpg - (289.77KB , 600x900 , favfavver2 Tenshi flat chest.jpg )
>like they make her breasts too big
As someone with a flat-chested waifu, I can't stand this. I don't even like flat chests, but it's a part of her, and I lover her for it. Why can't people accept her the way she is?
>> No. 1451 [Edit]
File 129785883797.jpg - (258.53KB , 800x800 , 10264226_p9.jpg )
I haven't even masturbated since I've met my love.
So what exactly would be the limit for you? I don't like flat chests too much either, but I can't stand it when people draw 'her' with large breasts, it makes it seem like it's not her at all.
>> No. 1461 [Edit]
File 129787960216.jpg - (69.08KB , 704x396 , 1245708589650.jpg )
This i believe, i just don't feel right doing it yet.

I hate this in all images.
>> No. 1485 [Edit]
File 129791763666.png - (99.33KB , 300x300 , Tenshi SWR.png )
At the absolute most, a B-cup. I just to go by the official artwork.
>> No. 1498 [Edit]
I just feel disconcerted with the idea of fapping to mai waifu. To me, mai waifu is not analogous to wife because she isn't a 2D surrogate for 3D. Though I do understand where some of you are coming from, but fapping to mai waifu is not for me. I generally have no problems about fapping to 2D, as it is just fapping to a drawing, nothing else other than a conduit for lust. I do feel disconcerted and awkward when I see some other girls in ecchi/hentai (especially Biribiri and a couple of other girls), though the feelings are more so platonic rather than romantic. I just don't see them 'in that way', as I do with mai waifu. I couldn't call them concubines, sure they may be cute or 'delicious' in some way, but I don't have much romantic attraction towards any of them. They're more like people you want to protect from the ravages of the world. In many ways, they are more like smaller fragments of myself, just like mai waifu is a biggest fragment of myself. I'm going to stop here because the exact idea/definition of the waifu concept (and other related concepts) to an individual is an entirely different question. In other words, my answer is more than: 'She is mai waifu because I happen to like her'.


I just hate it when they do this. Why do they think that all people are attracted to big blobs of fat dangling down their chests? Though there are very few exceptions
>> No. 1503 [Edit]
A man after my own heart

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