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File 12978206779.jpg - (529.42KB , 800x633 , Sabrina 89.jpg )
1422 No. 1422 [Edit]
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, I like to use those words to imagine a story behind some of my favorite pictures of Sabrina.

Like this picture, I imagine I'm waking up for the first time with Sabrina. I seperate her bangs and gently kiss her on the forehead and whisper that I love her, before ultimately getting up and starting the first day of my life with her.

If any of you have stories or come up with one on the fly, share them here
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>> No. 1436 [Edit]
File 129783011087.png - (453.62KB , 786x933 , IMG_1845.png )
Pretty much every night i imagine ways i would fit into her universe.

Sometimes i see myself as some kind of omnipotent watcher who knows everything that will happen since i have seen it already on the show, and i protect her from the shadows.

Other times my mind wanders and i end up becoming a vigilante that takes loot from various villains then gives it all to her.

And of course other times i try to imagine myself exactly as i am coming into contact with her, which always plays out like an awkward comedy.

I have trouble imagining myself already in a relationship with her, i feel i have to earn it, even in my own mind.
>> No. 1437 [Edit]
I had the same problem with Sabrina too but gradually I built a relationship with her through my mind. I imagine we'd meet battling each other, then afterward she would read my mind and understand that I'm not afraid of her. I have a very long story made up.
>> No. 1448 [Edit]
File 129783767455.jpg - (107.87KB , 720x1000 , makotofireworks.jpg )
In this picture, I feel as if I'm celebrating an anniversary with her. I imagine we go to a new year's festival and have a fun time; playing that gold fish catching game, playing target shooting, and eating tons of good food. After the festival ends, the fireworks are launched. That's when we stop whereever we were, and stare longingly into eachother's eyes. Since it's our anniversary, we're already used to looking eachother directly without feeling embarrased. We can then feel eachother's love and share a romantic kiss under the night sky.
>> No. 1462 [Edit]
File 129787980045.jpg - (80.30KB , 640x480 , Preparing to wake my beautiful waifu with a kiss.jpg )
>>1389 about covers that well.

This one here though, it makes me think that i had left to do something and she fell asleep waiting for me to get home. File name should speak for itself.
>> No. 1466 [Edit]
It's a take on a scene from the Haruhi movie, actually. Kyon gets mad at alt-Yuki (who has no idea what the hell is going on) and approaches her until he pins her up against a cabinet, then he sees her look like that and realizes what he's doing and apologizes.
>> No. 1467 [Edit]
File 129788592364.png - (199.93KB , 370x370 , 1297666693627.png )
I don't really care what it's supposed to be a take on, because it has nothing to do with the thread or how i interpret it.
>> No. 1471 [Edit]
I can't.
I can't even begin to imagine how being in a relationship is like, how would we interact and so.
No matter how much I love her I just can't see myself as a good boyfriend.
>> No. 1473 [Edit]
Beautiful. This picture >>1312 I imagine Sabrina casually talking telepathically to a Mew after a stroll through the local park. Me being in shock of what I'm seeing, frantically pull out my camera and take a picture. Sabrina is telling me to calm down as the picture was taken.
>> No. 1486 [Edit]
File 129791860267.jpg - (298.63KB , 1024x725 , greave Tenshi Valentine.jpg )
I liked this picture a lot until I learned what was really going on. I imagined it as Tenshi confesses to the viewer (me), and he says yes, and she's so happy she's going to cry.

Turns out he just said he doesn't want the chocolate. (ಠ_ಠ)
>> No. 1488 [Edit]
Ha, same thing has happened to me with a few images of Sabrina that have text.
>> No. 1495 [Edit]
I imagine her and myself as alternate characters in an alternate universe. Pretty much nothing more than just daydreaming random crap. Can't put them into a tangible concept as I don't know how to draw, though I do have ideas.
>> No. 1544 [Edit]
File 129832983231.jpg - (2.30MB , 1600x1600 , 16848645.jpg )
Any image of her works fine, really. I had a very beautiful image of her wearing a kimono during new years where she has her arms extended outwards as if to offer me a drink. Anyway, when I see the image, I imagine that it is New Year's Eve, and we have spent the day preparing for it. I can think of all the things we would do together, I would doll up her hair, we would spend the day and evening talking to each other, eating dainty foods and drinking together. Towards the end of the night, she being the generous person that she is, offers me a drink of whatever she has on her as the ceremonial bells ring 108 times, I gladly accept and look into her eyes as I embrace her with a powerful hug and an endearing smile. On the following day of New Year's, we would spend awhile handing out otoshidama to anyone's children we would know, meeting up with old friends while reminiscing about past dates with them and the like. Later on, we would get to possibly her favorite part of the evening, the New Year's games, and we would spend a nice amount of time together on that. Before she would go to bed, I would playfully ruffle her hair, toss her a big smile, and brush my lips upon her forehead as she falls asleep.
>> No. 3601 [Edit]
File 130990607423.jpg - (71.24KB , 600x677 , Kanako Summer.jpg )
This is my favorite non-offical image of her, well it took me a lot time to get along with the diffent style but now, when i look at this picture i am just relaxed. I imagine me and her being at the beach together at a sunny summer day, just enjoying our time until the sunset when we maybe go watch the firework or eat at a nice place.
I imagine the sand under my feet, the hot sun, the fresh wind and, of course, her looking to me and smiling.
I always carry this picture and some of my other favorites in my notebook with me so i can take a break with her whenever i want.
>> No. 3604 [Edit]
Here is a silly picture someone drew on /i/ for you, OP: http://boards.4chan.org/i/res/374415#374517
>> No. 3615 [Edit]
Ha! That made my day. Seriously, I want to thank whoever caught that thread and asked for a Sabrina picture for me, that's awesome.
>> No. 3620 [Edit]
Twas me, no problem..

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