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File 129775644918.jpg - (199.04KB , 480x640 , Sabrina 136.jpg )
1392 No. 1392 [Edit]
I have a question for my fellow /mai/ posters.

If you and your waifu were to somehow meet and start a relationship, where would the two of you live? Would you prefer to live in her world or yours or perhaps somewhere different entirely?
I would of course live where Sabrina's chooses. If it were up to me however, I'm not too sure. I like where I am now but this world is a very messed up place. Her world seems more inviting but Saffron is a very busy city life. I think I'd choose to live in a secluded mountain area in her world.
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>> No. 1395 [Edit]
File 129776152565.png - (439.46KB , 820x1088 , modern girl.png )
I find myself asking this question quite alot, actually.

Due to where my character comes from im not sure how exactly i would live with her, i would prefer her world/universe but that would probably mean she would have to move away from her friends. And to be honest even with her here my world would still suck total balls.

Maybe somewhere in between? but im not sure how that would work.
>> No. 1398 [Edit]
File 129776214095.jpg - (1.04MB , 1200x1189 , Akashio Tenshi heaven.jpg )
Considering she'll do anything to get out of her home, more than likely she would want to stay with me. However, I'm only in a tiny dorm room, which she also wouldn't enjoy. At least she wouldn't get bored in Manhattan, so I guess this is the better option.
>> No. 1399 [Edit]
Interesting answers

Now that I think about it. I'd like to have an adventure with Sabrina traveling Kanto before we settled down. Two social outcasts facing the world together. Hell if it was as fun as the series made to be, we'd travel the other regions too.
>> No. 1400 [Edit]
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She lives in a very nice small peaceful and quite town, It really does seem like the perfect place to live our lives out, but I get the feeling she'd like to do some exploring, see other areas, so we might not even be home that often come to think of it, I certainly wouldn't mind traveling around the world with her..
I do so love to fantasize about living together with her, spending every woken moment together, but as long as we're together, it doesn't really matter where we are, all we need is each other.
>> No. 1401 [Edit]
I think Kanako's world is based on the real world. I'd much rather live in Hinata-sou than my house though, it looks fun.
>> No. 1402 [Edit]
Hah, whereas I would think of Hinata house to be a mess.

I guess questions like these are fun and harmless enough, but it just won't compute for me personally. The prospect of mending our worlds together, making rethorical presumptions that it ever could happen, just makes my heart break. I'm living in a fantasy, but I just can't force myself into believing that there could ever be a parallel universe like this. I want to believe, but I just can't - it's too much to bare.
>> No. 1407 [Edit]
Actually, I think she wouldn't care too much either way. Most likely though, she would want to see new places to explore and play in, plus, there's lots of types of alcoholic drinks here that she probably has yet to experience, so I think she might choose here. I would have no preference.
>> No. 1460 [Edit]
File 129787946640.jpg - (165.30KB , 720x960 , 25a34f39fe5da4f3282efb875df01828.jpg )
Her world, it seems much funner then mine and there really isn't someplace i'd like to go.
>> No. 1501 [Edit]
I'd much rather go to her world. Things are more fun there, though there are some exceptions. I'd much rather go to somewhere different entirely. Anywhere looks fine to me as it looks perfect enough. Imagination does wonders to the mind. Just thinking about the endless realm of alternate realities and planes of existence makes me ponder quite a bit. Maybe even an infinite universe.
>> No. 1505 [Edit]
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Her world, definitely. I mean...by the end of the series she's living in a crystal palace. Waaay better than my little apartment. But i think, if i was with her, living in this world wouldn't be so bad.
>> No. 1507 [Edit]
I'd definitely prefer to live in her world. So many reasons why. I feel the primary reason is that I don't feel a purpose to being here. Not like there's anything holding me back or anything. Plus, in her world, I can change the negative perceptions I hold of myself in this world.
>> No. 1519 [Edit]
While I don't think Sabrina would be ready to encounter the horrors of this world, I'd like to show her the beautiful mountain range nearby where I live. There's alot of beautiful nature where I am. Though I'm sure her world has places that blows away this world's.

If she decided to stay in Saffron, I think I could manage. I doubt many people come by her gym seeing as how they're all scared of her. Which leads me to wonder if she lives out of her gym. I've always theorized she does in my imagination.
>> No. 1520 [Edit]
I'd much rather prefer her world than mine, but I would go anywhere she wants.
>> No. 1523 [Edit]
File 12981741097.jpg - (138.04KB , 566x800 , 7666213_p1.jpg )
Her world, 1500 years ago. We'd move somewhere remote and live a quiet life together.
>> No. 1541 [Edit]
Her world, wherever it is...
>> No. 1577 [Edit]
File 129871970719.jpg - (85.70KB , 562x417 , re-take4-201.jpg )
alone with her, after the End of the World... her World (om nom nom)
>> No. 3119 [Edit]
File 130721449094.jpg - (15.56KB , 503x383 , Kanako 29.jpg )
I would like to stay in her world and help her running the hotel to make it a nice and calm place where people can relax and forget about the stress of the modern life.
If she wants to move somewhere else i will of course follow her no matter where she wants to go.
But living in an hotel with an attached onsen is quite nice isnĀ“t it?
>> No. 3125 [Edit]
Our worlds are almost identical, the only difference is hers is 2D. So her world, provided that in her world I would leave my 3DPD body behind.
>> No. 3127 [Edit]
Hm... It's a tough choice, for me. On one hand, I don't think she's terribly fond of Nasu's world, but on the other, it's far more interesting than this one.

I think I'd let her choose and just go with that. If I was the one that had to make the choice, though, I think I'd go to hers.
>> No. 3129 [Edit]
I think she would prefer for me to come to her, which I wouldn't really mind, to be honest. Our worlds are very similar except she is 2D and Japanese.
>> No. 3180 [Edit]
I'd like to join her on Midchilda, with Nanoha and co. I'd be more willing to give up family/friends than she would. I have my connections here, but they'd understand if I left them. I'd try to keep some contact if possible, I suppose. Recently I've grown to like this world, but I'd easily give it up for her to keep who she cares for.

The way I've always imagined it, I'd either get some administrative job, or if I had magic potential, undergo training, sharing a place with her in the military dorms or whatever they're called, or even living nearby, just... living and in any spare time, having fun with her and her friends, going into the city the odd time to have some more fun. (This is tough, I'm trying not to use 'craic' here.)

Sometimes I find myself longing for this situation, some sort of emptiness when I think about it.

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