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131 No. 131 [Edit]
So are we talking about real waifu here or imaginary ones? The former seems counter intuitive. But you guys should know that I just showed up here and this is the first time I have used "counter intuitive".
>> No. 132 [Edit]
What do you mean by 'real waifu'?
>> No. 133 [Edit]
We're talking about real imaginary waifus.
>> No. 134 [Edit]
Still doesn't make sense.
>> No. 135 [Edit]
Alright, I get it now. Thanks guys!
>> No. 136 [Edit]
Shut up, you're not me.
>> No. 185 [Edit]
What the hell? Are you pretending to be the Original Poster? I'm pretty sure that is illegal.
>> No. 218 [Edit]
Like a character that doesn't exist and you imagined?
Never heard of such a thing but I'd guess its more like an imaginary waifu then. Kinda unheard of.

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