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File 12892829557.jpg - (202.82KB , 500x707 , haruhi cute clothes.jpg )
126 No. 126 [Edit]
I-Is it bad that my waifu is a huge bitch?
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>> No. 127 [Edit]
If you love her the way she is, that's all that really matters right?
>> No. 128 [Edit]
This. As long as you love her that's all that matters.
>> No. 137 [Edit]
File 128941284476.jpg - (29.47KB , 423x469 , asuka-cute.jpg )
Personally, I'm not sure; if by bitch you mean tsundere, I see nothing wrong with it, OP.
Haruhi's (insufferable but) OK; if she was actually mean, I'd have to reconsider. Mai waifu can be very harsh and egotistical too; but, since I find that pride to be justified, it became one more reason to admire -and love- her (nothing here against dere-dere, tough).
>> No. 142 [Edit]
>> No. 180 [Edit]
File 12898438448.jpg - (99.78KB , 744x690 , 1276444613195.jpg )
The thing with someone having the same waifu as you is that you don't necessarily agree with that persons perception of your waifu.

This board isn't big enough for both us so I decided to abandon mai waifu. You might say I can still appreciate her in private but reading these things about mai waifu pains me a bit so I will let her go completely. Farewell, Asuka.
>> No. 181 [Edit]
You can't say stuff like that about you're waifu. Just because people share the same waifu that you (and hold different opinions about you're waifu) have doesn't mean it's end of the world. Your perception about you're waifu is different than other peoples' perceptions. If anything else, think about what you're waifu would say to you.
>> No. 182 [Edit]

Well do as you consider best; but Necrosage's right. I've talked about it a thousand times, but again: we don't know things in themselves; hence, we don't fall in love with entities in themselves; so they might have the same (strong) root, but mai Asuka isn't your Asuka...
if you really want her, I'm ready to keep both of them in this board; if you're willing to leave for further reasons, then it's OK, it's up to you.
>> No. 189 [Edit]
File 128994763319.jpg - (1.56MB , 1920x1685 , 1281308721439.jpg )
Thank you for respecting my decision. I was expecting to receive a lot more shit. Anyway.
>> No. 1103 [Edit]
File 129591730039.jpg - (69.65KB , 1431x807 , 1293982357569.jpg )
haruhi isn't a bitch she is kind and caring :)

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