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File 129722157519.jpg - (176.23KB , 800x600 , 1296369169328.jpg )
1259 No. 1259 [Edit]
What happens to your waifu after her anime/game ends?
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>> No. 1260 [Edit]
She lives happily ever after within the endless torrent of imagination.
>> No. 1261 [Edit]
File 129722703977.jpg - (41.49KB , 480x360 , Tenshi Double Spoiler.jpg )
She gets randomly inserted into future games.
>> No. 1262 [Edit]
File 129723441113.jpg - (55.89KB , 597x339 , 46182-800px_m26_c481_kimochi_warui_super.jpg )
She feels sick.
>> No. 1263 [Edit]
File 129726111537.jpg - (341.79KB , 1024x768 , 01e5e03f468ea8e7868b6c4971925f42.jpg )
The status quo returns.

Well, with some adjustments. I guess it can't be helped.
>> No. 1265 [Edit]
File 129727999063.png - (100.90KB , 456x606 , ks___hanako_by_xsoldierriku-d36l5cc.png )
Just because the VN is over doesn't mean the love is over. The story in my heart will never end.
>> No. 1266 [Edit]
but it isn't over, yet... or did I miss release?
>> No. 1267 [Edit]
Don't worry, you didn't miss it.
>> No. 1269 [Edit]
Mine isn't even real, so her story lives as long as i do.
>> No. 1270 [Edit]
File 129737456967.jpg - (525.29KB , 1280x800 , 1226166594434.jpg )
She saves the universe. ;_;
>> No. 1274 [Edit]
Every time I open the anime she's in, an alternate timeline is created where all the incarnations of teh cahracters have their memories from all the previous episodes. When I close the anime, they all get frozen in time, and if I happen to close it while they're in the middle of something, they will be frozen in that spot in a painful stasis, with neither priveledge of moving their muscles or changing what they're looking at, remaining in that position until they asphyxiate to death.
>> No. 1397 [Edit]
That's very creative.

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