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File 135795060791.png - (144.76KB , 700x499 , Screenshot 2013-01-11 07_29_23.png )
11433 No. 11433 [Edit]
yeah well fuck you too anaface
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>> No. 11434 [Edit]
Is that the quiet girl from Lucky Star that Konata's cousin(?) likes?

If so, good choice. Also I'm sure I messed up the relationships there.
>> No. 11435 [Edit]
I tried that thing years ago and got the same result.
Obviously it's not made with 2D women in mind.
>> No. 11436 [Edit]
Yup, Minami.
And, yes, Yutaka is Konata's cousin.
>> No. 11437 [Edit]
To be beautiful by 3d standards is to be hideous by 2d standards.
>> No. 11438 [Edit]
Machines can't love.
>> No. 11439 [Edit]
Wall-e loved the shit out of that ipod robot, and the ipod loved him back
>> No. 11440 [Edit]
I never saw Wall e.
>> No. 11441 [Edit]

You son of a bitch
>> No. 11444 [Edit]
It's not that I don't want to. I just haven't.
>> No. 11446 [Edit]
File 135802241682.png - (186.77KB , 684x530 , anaface.png )
Get a better waifu then.
>> No. 11447 [Edit]
File 135804508334.jpg - (84.86KB , 670x476 , josephjoestar_54.jpg )
Nigga please.
>> No. 11448 [Edit]
my waifu can beat up your waifu
>> No. 11450 [Edit]

>> No. 11452 [Edit]
Stop that.

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