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File 129600918922.jpg - (135.37KB , 1280x720 , 1264433552272.jpg )
1110 No. 1110 [Edit]
If your waifu were real what would she think about you?

I used to fantasy about mai waifu a lot but whenever I imagine us together I cannot stop thinking that she would see me as a pathetic loser so I end up more depressed.
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>> No. 1111 [Edit]
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Considering mine is just as anti-social and reserved as i am, i'm not sure...
>> No. 1112 [Edit]
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I can not fathom what a incredible angel like her could possibly see in someone like me, she's perfect right down to the very last beautiful strand of hair.
I'm just a disgusting and pathetic wast of a human life.
She might be nice to be just to be polite, but I don't see how she could have any real interest in me.
I can just imagine her saying something like "I am sorry.. I like you, just... not that way..."

I don't deserve to so much as be in the same room as her.
But at least a guy can dream...
>> No. 1113 [Edit]
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I have a pretty good idea.
>> No. 1114 [Edit]
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She would have absolutely no interest in me. She'd think of me as some sort of whimp, which I very much am. I wouldn't deserve being able to talk to her.

It's rather depressing to think about this, really. If she were real though, I know I'd go to some drastic measures to change myself. Even if I did become the passionate man she desires, I'd still probably believe I'm not deserving of her, hah.
>> No. 1115 [Edit]
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More than likely, she'd think I'm just a mere human who isn't worth a second of her time. But who knows; after humans managed to beat the crap out of her, her opinion might have changed a bit.
>> No. 1117 [Edit]
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Hanako is reclusive to the point where she will retract into a shell at the point of any human contact outside of that with Lilly. Normally people would be turned off by this and not want to talk with her, but if I were to try to talk to her, to try to break past that shell, I think she would remember me for that.
>> No. 1120 [Edit]
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This is something i've run through my head so often. As much as I like to fantasise, I know I could never be more than a footnote to her. I can imagine her sensing me walking up, knowing instantaneously how I felt, and demanding that I leave unless I want to be radioactive bird feed.
>> No. 1128 [Edit]
If she was real she wouldn't be my waifu in the first place; but if she did become real I'd probably just be another fan. I'd send her fan letters and be a regular on her idol website. Of course, unless I was her producer, things would most likely be different.
>> No. 1131 [Edit]

Anon ;___;
>> No. 1133 [Edit]
if she can read minds, i'm sure she can tell the difference between crazed fanlove and real love.
>> No. 1145 [Edit]
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I don't get why no one has said "I think they would like me." I genuinely love him, I don't use him as a replacement boyfriend. I know more than likely we would date and get along since boys similar to him have liked me before. They are still however, not him. Don't be so hard on yourselves: if he's the sort of person you'd be attracted to, then more than likely you're the sort of person they'd be attracted to, since most people are attracted to those with traits that align with their own.
>> No. 1146 [Edit]
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I don't know any more...
>> No. 1147 [Edit]
Mine would probably appreciate the way I act and my principles, but otherwise I don't know. She'd demand a real achiever, and the most I do is drag myself towards goals I have no real interest in reaching in the first place.

But it doesn't actually matter, because there's no one out there like her. There's no love. None I have to think about, at least.
>> No. 1149 [Edit]
Don't get me wrong, I think I'm a likable guy, it's just Tenshi is like a sheltered rich girl who thinks she's above everyone just because of her background. It takes a lot more than a good personality to win over someone like that.
>> No. 1151 [Edit]
I'm sure we'd get along being similar and all, it's beyond that i'm more unsure of
>> No. 1152 [Edit]
I didn't say it directly, but when I said "she would remember me for that", I implied that she would think of me fondly.
>> No. 1521 [Edit]
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I don't really know. I think if she used her powers to search into my mind she would find that my love for her is completely true. On the other hand she would also know of every fucked up thing I've ever done. In the end I'm not sure if the good in me outweighs the bad, whether it does or not is up to her.
>> No. 1522 [Edit]
File 129816835013.jpg - (4.65KB , 200x208 , Seriously.jpg )
She would probably pity me, but i think she would understand where im coming from.

She may not love me back but i think she would be kind enough to at least let me stick around with her.
>> No. 1546 [Edit]
File 129850383922.jpg - (114.69KB , 560x800 , Usagi05-AP.jpg )
I think we could become friends, but she probably wouldn't ever realize how much i love her. Since she has someone she's happy with, i probably wouldn't ever confess. ;-;

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