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File 135497849954.jpg - (123.08KB , 800x716 , Misato 102.jpg )
11020 No. 11020 [Edit]
Its her birthday again! Today we are going out for good Ramen Noodles and some Kirin because no one in Orlando carries Yebisu. cntd because I'm posting another picture
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>> No. 11021 [Edit]
File 135497862726.jpg - (45.14KB , 384x512 , TV.jpg )
so about 3 months ago I put her birthday present on layaway. we've been without a TV for over a year now and having one in my room just for us will be a great boon. So I bought one for us. I'm still trying to find a place with yebisu in orlando but she was happy with the TV.
>> No. 11024 [Edit]
Happy Birthday Misato!
>> No. 11025 [Edit]
Happy Birthday!
Have fun.
>> No. 11026 [Edit]
Happy Birthday Misato, I hope it is an enjoyable day.
>> No. 11027 [Edit]
Happy Birthday!
>> No. 11129 [Edit]
File 135500896091.jpg - (535.12KB , 1402x2047 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Happy birthday, Misato.
You still look great.
>> No. 11131 [Edit]
Happy birthday, hope all is well with you two.
>> No. 11133 [Edit]
File 135501217532.gif - (230.22KB , 400x226 , 698294298_1350737.gif )
>> No. 11134 [Edit]
I remember that snoop gif being a lot more fluid
>> No. 11135 [Edit]
File 135501241458.gif - (246.42KB , 291x400 , 663449766_1260634.gif )
depends what other animations you use
>> No. 11136 [Edit]
yeah, that one's it
>> No. 11137 [Edit]
Happy birthday to you and Misato; the best Eva-girl!
>> No. 11138 [Edit]
Happy birthday to Misato
Hope you both had a nice day
>> No. 11139 [Edit]
Happy birthday Misato.
>> No. 11143 [Edit]
Happy Birthday!
>> No. 11150 [Edit]
Mmm, I really feel like some ramen right now..

Oh yeah, happy birthday Misato.
>> No. 11495 [Edit]
Vizio? LOL. Get a Toshiba, they are good and not expensive.

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