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File 135025395944.jpg - (146.69KB , 500x675 , Momma says knock you out_.jpg )
10667 No. 10667 [Edit]
/mai/ I have a confession to make My waifu is Haruno Sakura I like the show Naruto I thought long enough after browsing /a/ I'd turn my back on the series an completely disregard it, yet I am still a fan. Haku is my favorite character & I am madly in love with Sakura although she may not be all that popular an most regarded as the useless character, she is not useless in my eyes because I can see all the potential that her creator Kishimoto cannot see. She is not a useless character in my eyes for she gives me strength. an I'd like to share some photos with you from Mai New Sakura Folder all comments are welcomed
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>> No. 10668 [Edit]
File 135025400129.jpg - (141.96KB , 405x1247 , 5f036adafc4f7cc926f1f82bb166b448.jpg )
>> No. 10673 [Edit]
File 135025860010.jpg - (190.75KB , 478x489 , 083c9fef0317c894fd340d984f4d8a3e.jpg )
>> No. 10677 [Edit]
File 135028305925.jpg - (383.52KB , 782x899 , bc95e6827d7f7a62a42b248769b2966b.jpg )
Shes so Lucky

>> No. 10678 [Edit]
File 135028343546.jpg - (249.58KB , 839x1200 , Yehh____ Naruto is about to be punched into the gr.jpg )
This is a Tribute to Sakura's Red Ballon's
>> No. 10680 [Edit]
File 135029254698.jpg - (301.14KB , 740x555 , 3fc10f12e514bca0177e4929101e74f5.jpg )
Now that's what I call service for the fans!
>> No. 10684 [Edit]
One from Naruto eh? I would never have guessed to see one here, always expected folks with waifus from Naruto (and Bleach) to stay in your specific forums. Quite a surprise. Welcome.

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