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File 129522686999.jpg - (105.49KB , 795x813 , sample-891ed77008fe72897d523c1c9f948c59.jpg )
1059 No. 1059 [Edit]
I consider "a waifu" as idolizing your idea of a perfect partner/character. However these characters were created by some random author.

My question is, does anyone in here has created his own waifu/husbando? With a complete backstory and stuff...
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>> No. 1060 [Edit]
File 129523611591.jpg - (344.49KB , 1203x1027 , Raev ogm.jpg )
No. Every time I make a character, I view them more as a son or daughter than an ideal partner. I don't get how people can draw their own characters suggestively; I tried it with this girl, and it felt like I was making child porn.
>> No. 1061 [Edit]
Eh, i sorta have to do that with Kurokona...

All the info about her is she's a 'quieter, shy, darker and realistic otaku' version of konata

I prefer to think she's a highly toned down younger twin of konata.
Nearly no athletics, but a bit better with school work and doesn't blare her otakuness like konata
>> No. 1062 [Edit]
My lovely waifu Kanako-chan is largely my vision of a perfect lady as she is, however I do like to think and reminiscise about her deredere side and sister-like relationship with Naru.
>> No. 1063 [Edit]
I'm horribly uncreative. When I'm making characters in video games I base them on existing girls
>> No. 1064 [Edit]
I've often thought about my 'realistic ideal' - the kind of partner I can realistically see myself with (with Miya being my 'angelic ideal' - the kind of partner who goes beyond everything you could hope for), which I think is similar.

My dream girl that I've thought up is a psychotic, anorexic drug addict who has never had a boyfriend, comes from the same economic background, and has the same kind of friends - But she knows how to handle life a lot better than I do.

I began thinking of my 'realistic ideal' when I realized that A) my waifu is part of a series that caters basically to chronically masturbating shut-ins, B) the author used to draw yaoi, C) my waifu's backstory is that she was married to someone else, D) other people have opinions about my waifu (including the author). My waifu can't control her own life or anything - It's kind of sad, if you think about it. It's all scripted by what the author writes and decides...

Of course, I love her nevertheless; She is my angel. But it's nice to have a bit of hope when it comes to the 3DPD world - Of course, it's near-impossible to find a girl like that (who isn't a slut, or a brain dead fool).
>> No. 1065 [Edit]
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Throughout high school, I would often fantasize about this imaginary girl. She often had short hair. But sometimes it would be really long. She wore thick glasses, and wore an oversized sweater. I don't know why, but I always found that attractive. She never had a name, but I would just imagine her and me walking side by side home from school. We would hang out on our days off. And on evenings, she would rest her head underneath my arm where she is safe.

I still draw her to this day, but the feeling's sorta gone. Now she's just another girl I tend to doodle out of pure boredom. Kinda sad really. :(
>> No. 1074 [Edit]
Not that I know of. Most people have their own versions of their waifus and husbandos, so they could be significantly different than said random author's perception of her.

But every time I do imagine a character however, they always resemble some other existing character. Shows how much originality is in my head.
>> No. 1077 [Edit]
>> No. 1102 [Edit]
When I can't get to sleep (most of the time), I often lay in bed and think up scenarios and characters and end making a little story. If you wrote it down then it could be the world's most boring VN of all time, as they always seem to just be generic parts of various VNs and anime stuffed together and only focusing on one girl. The girls that feature always end up being based off some other girl from something else.

This thread made me happy to know that others do sort of the same thing, although not quite.
>> No. 1108 [Edit]
I made up, or dreamt, a character similar to that. I wouldn't say waifu though. She had shoulder-length grey hair, but youthful - 21ish - slender build, but not short, and those enchanting light-grey eyes that exist in real life, but are rare. She rarely spoke, always preferring to touch, or glance, or stare to communicate. Sometimes she sang. Which says a lot about my own views/ideals on communication.

But she wasn't a waifu. I worshiped her, and still do in a way. I never dreamed of having a relationship with her, or anything like that. She was a daughter/mother/sister figure. I would dream of being in her presence, usually outdoors, in the rain, or storm, always at night under the stars. We would always touch, and sometimes kiss, nothing further, but it wasn't really about love, just about communication and comfort.

She didn't really have a name, but I took to calling her My Lady Love. Not that I loved her romantically, per-say, but more like how Saint Francis referred to his Lady Poverty.
>> No. 1134 [Edit]
Back in high school I got bored and drew a girl. I thought it was beautiful, and so I decided to give her character.

But I can't think of her as anything more than a close friend. Someone who understands the same things I do.

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