No. 10280
Honestly I was just joking, since his advice reminded me of Yoda's word. However it is interesting because, disregard of the breed, Jedi live indeed between contradictory ways: the need to rely on their feelings over their thoughts at some degree, for the midichlorians to work, versus the need of finally keeping a cool and rational head not to fall into the dark side (while some pursue the discovery of the unifying force, as a form of balance that resembles some sort of zen/bushido stuff). In that way, and as the known joke stands for, I think many of us 2D lovers are closer to the dark side, since it is attachment, obsession, suffering and love where we get actual strenght from.
Vulcans, for this matter, seem to stand somewhere closer to Kyubey's race:
- "In our culture, the phenomenon called emotion is only a mental disorder."
...which is worth of consideration, as well.