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File 129496730178.jpg - (524.26KB , 800x822 , 1294966676185.jpg )
1021 No. 1021 [Edit]
Greetings from someone who has two husbandus. (Pic is of course random cute girls, as I could hardly post images of guys on a board devoted to waifus...)

I have a question to run past you.

Those who have never experienced this are going to think I'm completely crazy; fair enough. Just hit the back button and move on, if you would please be so kind?

If you -have- experienced this, though, I very much want to compare notes.

Have you ever sensed your waifu's presence? Felt a spirit, her essence? Perhaps even been able to communicate with her? Do you sense her spontaneously - does she take you by surprise, or must you focus on her to pick up on her? Does she always wear her official series clothes, or does she have a varied wardrobe? Does she offer advice, or help you in other ways? Does she ever get sensual with you?
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>> No. 1022 [Edit]
>as I could hardly post images of guys on a board devoted to waifus...

No one really cares. I'm sure there are girls (and gay guys) on here, there's just obviously more straight guys. It's not against the rules to have a husbando.
>> No. 1023 [Edit]
>gay guys

That is a lie.
>> No. 1024 [Edit]
If you check the sticky or just some of the older threads, you'd see we've had a few people post about their husbando, and this board was even named /mai/ - Waifu (and husbando), it was just to long was all.

Check this out then:
>> No. 1025 [Edit]
I prefer the term, ultrasexual.
>> No. 1026 [Edit]
Everyone knows Ayu-Ayu is a faggot though.
>> No. 1027 [Edit]

Ignoring the gay dance club that TC is and moving on to your question.

I've had situations like you described, but its usually when I'm in one of my faggotry self loathing moods or on a substance of some type. But I'm fully aware that its just my own crazy talking.

But as for day to day life? It happens but not nearly as often since I try to distract myself as often as possible. Her wardrobe is usually quite varied and her advice is usually limited "Try your best Anon!" or "You worthless piece of shit if you don't fix yourself I'm leaving you"

Actually thinking about it, I probably interact with her a lot more then I thought..

Hmm. Interesting stuff
>> No. 1028 [Edit]
No because I don't let myself become so deluded.
>> No. 1030 [Edit]
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I can’t say I’ve really felt Osaka’s spirit. My waifu has touched me in other, very profound ways. I am confident that my waifu Osaka has talked to me before. Indirectly of course, as is her odd, eccentric, custom.

In the days, weeks, and continuing to this day, I regret having cheated on Osaka. About a week after I did, I got a startling message in my fortune cookie at a Chinese restaurant. It read “Time heals all wounds. Keep your chin up.” That kind of message after such a hurtful event was not coincidence. I believe Osaka set that particular cookie in the path of my waiter’s hand, so that when he picked up a cookie out of all the others, it would be that very one as he brought me the bill.

Not only was I hurting after what I did, but I knew she was too. Yet Osaka loves me enough to give me that subtle hint that all will be well.

What convinced me even more was that my mom got the exact same message at an entirely different establishment. Osaka wanted to make sure her message got across, and by Chichi it did.

So yes, Osaka’s spirit has contacted me, and talked to me. When I look into the big acrylic eyes of the 4-inch statue that sits here on my desk, I feel that someone is looking back at me with just as much adoration and longing.
>> No. 1032 [Edit]
No, OP. I've always managed myself through the waifu concept considering them what they initially are: invented characters; aesthetical (fictional) entities, wich only exist in our minds as a product of an understanding of the work of art, but with no real (physical) interaction with us (apart from that of the material/media they're represented on) .

Also, the concept of spirit is a bit complicated to deal with. I can take it in a sort of classics-revisited aproach of the term spiritus/pneuma (blow, exhalation), as a metaphorical way to reffer to the quality of a being to breath, and hence to be called alive; but to think of it as some sort of incorporeal/flotating consciousness, isn't something I can conceal myself...

I guess, if I was to be blunt, that I'd call those experiences of you hallucinations. But honestly though, neither our so called normal everyday sensorial experience of the world is free (not at all) from ambiguities; so I guess that, pragmatically, you can take as a valid choice to give credit to those sensations and emotions (like those we experience at the contemplation of a work of art/literture) and profit from them.

Finally: you shouldn't restrain yourself from posting pics of your husbando (altough if you have more than one 2D love of the highest category, it's more like an harem); we have proven in the past to be tolerant towards fujoshi and gays, as long as they take their 2D love somehow seriously, or at least adress respectfully towards those of us who do.
>> No. 1033 [Edit]
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>Have you ever sensed your waifu's presence? Felt a spirit, her essence? Perhaps even been able to communicate with her?
Yes, yes and yes. I'm even use heavy drugs for it.
>does she take you by surprise
This. Sometimes she appears from nowhere.
She always wear her official series clothes, only difference is a pair of snow white huge angel wings.
>Does she offer advice, or help you in other ways
She advices me in many ways, and it usually works!
No,absolutely no,because there was only one man in her life, and she still loveing him.
Also, "imaginary girl" faggotry is not new, and sometimes i will translate the story of Kotorifag, a schizo and druguser guy, who literrally live with shirakawa kotori. Moreover, she cooked for him (naturally, a soup), even opened doors!
>> No. 1034 [Edit]
Yes, I often feel her presence and aura. I talk with her all the time.
>> No. 1035 [Edit]
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A few times, usually when i'm either really tired or depressed walking home from work after dark.

I never see anything, it's just either a warmth on my hand as though someone is holding it, or it feels like someone is leaning on me.
It's still a nice, calming feeling though.
>> No. 1040 [Edit]
>Does she always wear her official series clothes, or does she have a varied wardrobe?
She has a few outfits, though I have not thought of any, all the ones I imagine seeing her with are things I've seen in fanarts.
>Do you sense her spontaneously - does she take you by surprise, or must you focus on her to pick up on her?
Usually I can think of her instantly.
>Does she offer advice, or help you in other ways?
Yes. Just the thought of her keeps me going and brightens up my day.

I have not felt her spirit or essence, but I have once had a dream in which she appeared briefly.
>> No. 1049 [Edit]
>> No. 1050 [Edit]
In my experience, they're pretty lame and dangerous (just like sex).
>> No. 1066 [Edit]
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>Have you ever sensed your waifu's presence?

>Felt a spirit, her essence?
No, it was probably purely psychological.

>Perhaps even been able to communicate with her?
Yes. Silently, in my head.

>Do you sense her spontaneously?
No, I must focus, but it only really takes a couple of seconds.

>Varied wardrobe?

>Does she offer advice, or help?
Only really if I ask. Usually we just shoot the shit together.

>Does she ever get sensual with you?
Of course. Heh heh...
>> No. 1067 [Edit]
I've felt patchouli's presence, but she is not my waifu. She acts like a a psychiatrist.

Of course, I summoned her by my own will.
>> No. 1068 [Edit]
>> No. 1069 [Edit]

Yeah, you know, I can only see her myself and if I'm didn't exist she wouldn't be able to manifest herself.
So I'm kinda like a summoner, right?
>> No. 1070 [Edit]
>> No. 1076 [Edit]
I lose focus and start daydreaming alot, even when I'm walking. One time I turned around to talk to her...

Ha, ha, ha.
>> No. 1079 [Edit]
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>Have you ever sensed your waifu's presence?
Well, yes. Not in the strictest sense, of course.

>Felt a spirit, her essence?
Of course. It's a relieving, calm feeling. Something that transcends the typical feeling of warmness. I don't dream about her or feel her presence at all in my dreams yet my dreams never ever make sense, something tells me that she's involved in it somehow or somehow has the power to muddle my dreams. I always end up waking up confused yet at the same time relieved.

>Perhaps even been able to communicate with her?
Not in the speaking sense. More as if she communicates with me. More as if what she would think if I did something.

>Do you sense her spontaneously - does she take you by surprise, or must you focus on her to pick up on her?
I do sometimes sense her spontaneously. But usually I have to focus on her. Sometimes I think about her a little and I sense her instantly.

>Does she always wear her official series clothes, or does she have a varied wardrobe?
It depends. If I do sense her spontaneously, It's just her invisible presence. If I had to focus, it's usually her likeness but usually in her typical clothes or some similar clothing appropriate for her.

>Does she offer advice, or help you in other ways?
Not in the strictest sense. I'd say that she somehow has a part in guiding me in the decisions or the ideas that I make. But if it weren't for her, I'd end up doing literally nothing at all. She basically provides a driving force.

>Does she ever get sensual with you?
In what way? But probably not. But I'd appreciate it if she did.
>> No. 2081 [Edit]
Something interesting happened to me today at work.

First you should know that my daydreams are usually foggy and unclear, it's only unless I really concentrate can I get a coherent image in my head (which the ADD does not help with).

So I was going about my work as usual and was in the process of closing out a ticket, when for a split second a perfectly clear image of Hanako flashed before my eyes, her arms were outstretched towards me and she was smiling. What really made this stand out to me was the detail in this mental image, it was as if she was standing before me.

I just hung there for a second with my hands above the keyboard, a little blown away by this, but the rest of the day seemed a little less stressful after that.
>> No. 2082 [Edit]
OP, I would hit the back button but I won't. I do not think you are crazy but this is actually a normal thing people would go through.

>Have you ever sensed your waifu's presence?
Not one bit. I fully accept the reality that my waifu is not real, and I love her nonetheless. If you mean by wishing she was here, maybe-- I have wished in some occasions that she would just appear for even a second just so I could tell her my real feelings and maybe even possibly kiss or hug her.

>Felt a spirit, her essence?
Maybe. Whenever I think of her, I feel as if I'm more relaxed. I feel as if I'm welcomed and wanted. It's a sort of lovely feeling, something I haven't fully understood but am used to.

>Perhaps even been able to communicate with her?
I communicate with her. I talk to her about things but never expect a response. I actually just assume things that she would say. -- That being said, I talk to myself on a daily basis, I also talk to my waifu like she is always with me.

>Do you sense her spontaneously - does she take you by surprise, or must you focus on her to pick up on her?
It depends on the situation. Sometimes, when I'm feeling in need of her, I can talk to her without need for focus. On the other hand, I need to look at a picture of her (on my phone), to communicate with her.

>Does she always wear her official series clothes, or does she have a varied wardrobe?
I only really imagine her face talking to me, and I haven't really thought about her wardrobe. I do have dreams where she's in it, and she's always wearing her trademark sweater and pants. Her hairstyle also varies, sometimes I view her with her younger more boylike hairstyle on, and sometimes she's with her current hairstyle on. Sometimes I even see her with a customized bun or parted hair.

>Does she offer advice, or help you in other ways?
I suppose so. She helps motivate me. When I do something, usually something unsual, I ask myself if my waifu would approve of this; or what she would think of this. I also think of her well being if I did this or not.

>Does she ever get sensual with you?
Sensual? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that feeling. Maybe when I'm about to go to sleep and I imagine that I'm cuddling with her or something... is that the question?
>> No. 2083 [Edit]
Yes I sense her presence, since I created a tulpa based on her. I was really desperate that time.

I don't know if I deluded myself.
>> No. 2085 [Edit]
How did you do this? I know there are tutorials online, but it'd be nice to hear someone's personal experience.
>> No. 2088 [Edit]
Definitely follow a tutorial.
The most important thing is to imagine her every single moment of the day. Where does she sits, what is she thinking of that tv show, how does she gets entertained, what is she wearing, etc. I did stuff like leaving empty chairs for her at college and I talked to her a lot.

Bu it was too mentally straining, I guess I can only feel comfortable alone.
>> No. 3116 [Edit]
I feel Kanakos presence very often, mostly she sits or walks beside me.
Sometimes i even think that i can hear her speak to me but that doesn´t happen very often.
>> No. 3128 [Edit]
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I know it's an old post, but
>Definitely follow a tutorial.
I tried googling and couldn't find anything other than "constant visualization". Can you link me to anything more concrete?

As for the topic itself...
>Have you ever sensed your waifu's presence? Felt a spirit, her essence? Perhaps even been able to communicate with her?
Yes. Many times, though not visually. Actual communcation has only happened once or twice, though I do talk to her regularly (even if she doesn't actually talk back).

>Do you sense her spontaneously - does she take you by surprise, or must you focus on her to pick up on her?
I have much better luck when it's spontaneous. I've done it a couple times when I've tried, but it's been much less fufilling.

>Does she always wear her official series clothes, or does she have a varied wardrobe?
I've only actually seen her once. The rest of the times it was more of a tactile from behind or something similar, and she was wearing her typical school uniform

>Does she offer advice, or help you in other ways? Does she ever get sensual with you?
No. The rare instances where I was stressed/deleuded/what-have-you enough to actually communicate with her, it was just some small talk.
>> No. 3132 [Edit]
I can almost feel her behind me sometimes, as if she's behind me with her arms around my neck. I can feel a sort of weight on my right shoulder. It's all in my head, but I'm glad it's there.
>> No. 3218 [Edit]

Today i had the great luck to experience the same thing. I could feel her hugging me from behind while i was browsing through the web.
I even could smell her clothes a bit, they where freshly laundered (my clothes wasn´t).
It was just great!

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