Makoto! Today(or tomorrow) is your birthday! Congratulations! I love you so much! To be honest, I don't know if I should buy cake and eat it alone or what. I don't think birthdays are particularly exciting but today (or tomorrow) is definitely a special day. And with a special day should come something special, but I have no idea what the hell to do so I'm just going with it. "今日は真の誕生日だ! 真、誕生日おめでとーっ!ヽ(´∇`)ノ 大好きだーーーーーーー!" -- Taken from Nekopuchi's Blog
Happy birthday, Makoto! Do what you think would make her happy. I personally don't think a cake is all that necessary, but you should celebrate this date in your own unique way. I'm sure you'll think of something!Post edited on 28th Aug 2012, 4:41pm
Get a cake and make it special in whatever way you can. There's no reason to let a day that means something go to waste as a regular day. Before I forget, happy birthday!
I ended up unboxing two of her figurines that I meant to unbox when I moved into my new house. I was going to film it like how I normally film unboxing videos, but I decided that unboxing them should be exclusive only to myself. Felt really good. In the end, I don't think I can actually get cake due to how late it is, but I will feast nonetheless! Thanks guys!
Happy birthday~! How long have you two been together, if I may ask?
>>10196 We've been together for 5-6 years now. I remember seeing the game come out early 2007 and I loved her ever since.
>>10197 Congratulations! That's a nice bike, here's a Makoto bike that was at the latest live idolm@ster concert.
>>10195 >>10197 Felicidades! Happy birthday Makoto!
Happy Birthday!
Ah happy birthday to your waifu, Makotobro! Do you have her one of her invites yet? If not, I will get you a rare invite one tomorrow. If you are verified, I hope.
Happy birthday Makoto
Happy birthday!
>>10212 No, I'm planning to just buy her SR+ form if possible. High prices are suffering! Thanks guys!
>>10226 Ah, good luck getting her then! If you need any help, please say so in the prod chat, I will try to help out as much as I can.
Happy late/early/on-time birthday, Makoto! I think I got it right...
Belated Happy Birthday, Makoto.
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