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File 13460247077.png - (100.58KB , 333x250 , Young_Toph.png )
10169 No. 10169 [Edit]
Are western waifus accepted here?

Pic related, since Toph is my waifu.
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>> No. 10170 [Edit]
You wouldn't be the first person here with her for a waifu.
>> No. 10173 [Edit]
Yeah, we've had folks here before with western waifus. So it's all fair and fine.
>> No. 10181 [Edit]
File 13461211811.jpg - (47.15KB , 800x625 , 1293433055564.jpg )
Toph, while not my waifu, is one of a growing number of concubines that sit next to my waifu. I love them as more than friends, but less than waifu. If that makes sense.

Hope you don't mind. In fact, I am somehow honored that you have such a taste in females.
>> No. 10199 [Edit]
Toph is badass moe. I like badass moe.

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