No. 10104
The Anons above me have already given you some good advice, so I'll just try to give you some personal advice.
-Try to think of her.
By that I mean, if you have any break in your work or just feel like doing nothing, just close your eyes and think of her, and if you ever have a decision to make try to make that choice with her in mind.
Though I'm sure you do it already.
-Interact with her, try to make her a part of your life.
By that I mean, for example, if you have a decision to make, try to think about it with her in mind, try to discuss or just talk with her (even if she doesn't respond or just smile to you), if you go for a walk, try to imagine her next to you, when you go to sleep or wake up try to to say good night/morning to her...etc.
This part could be seen wrong by a lot of people, and it's understandable but like I said it's just my own experience.
-A memento could also help.
It could be just a picture of her in your wallet, a ring, a necklace, or say for example, a pair of stockings in the same color as what Stocking uses or the ribbon she uses to tie her hair?
-Your own mind and will are extremely important.
You are powered by the fire of your will. Sometimes the fire in your heart can go out because of the rain and whatnot, but don't forget, you have as much fuel as you decide to have. Just throw some coal on the fire, and everything will be fine.