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File 144698367121.png - (148.72KB , 260x146 , anime screencap2015-11-08-03h11m22s82.png )
24578 No. 24578 [Edit]
This season's Noitamina is good 'n spooky
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>> No. 24616 [Edit]
File 144728721988.jpg - (93.94KB , 353x500 , 74063l.jpg )
I can't stop watching this. I caught up today and i'm craving to know more about this girl. Honestly its one of the few mystery series that feels mysterious instead of just having one central question to answer. Also has a great opening.
>> No. 24758 [Edit]
One of my favourite directors (Kanbe Mamoru), never disappoints and this show is so far so good.

He uses BGM more sparingly than other directors, I quite like it.
>> No. 24761 [Edit]
I bet it was perfect inside her, but they implied the horny 12 year old loli losing her virginity scene instead of showing it explicitly. Shit taro is to blame for this

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