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File 144427694295.jpg - (57.88KB , 1280x720 , [Ohys-Raws] Fushigi na Somera-chan - 01 (AT-X 1280.jpg )
24119 No. 24119 [Edit]
If you're a fan of Ai Mai Mii then you know what to expect here.
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>> No. 24121 [Edit]
How is it?

I want to watch it but there aren't any subs out (yet?).
>> No. 24122 [Edit]
It's not bad. It's pretty much in the same style as Ai Mai Mii but with new characters and setting.
If you don't know Ai Mai Mii then imagine mild random/crude humor with a bit of comedic violence packed into 3 minute bites.
>> No. 24131 [Edit]
File 144435322277.jpg - (73.31KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Fushigi na Somera-chan - 01 [720p]_.jpg )
Subs are out now.
I thought I'd revisit it to see if I missed anything but nope. It's pretty straight forward and easy to follow even without subs.
>> No. 24209 [Edit]
File 144494737635.jpg - (50.23KB , 1280x720 , [Ohys-Raws] Fushigi na Somera-chan - 02 (AT-X 1280.jpg )
subs were late again...
>> No. 24344 [Edit]
File 144548773799.jpg - (55.12KB , 1280x720 , [Ohys-Raws] Fushigi na Somera-chan - 03 (AT-X 1280.jpg )
fuck subs
>> No. 24347 [Edit]
File 14454881655.jpg - (80.90KB , 1280x720 , [Ohys-Raws] Fushigi na Somera-chan - 03 (AT-X 1280.jpg )
Nice laptop.
>> No. 24399 [Edit]
I like how the badges are worn down on it. Goes to show how much they use the thing.
>> No. 24450 [Edit]
File 144611404332.jpg - (69.76KB , 1280x720 , [Ohys-Raws] Fushigi na Somera-chan - 04 (AT-X 1280.jpg )
>> No. 24540 [Edit]
File 144679685979.jpg - (32.54KB , 1280x720 , [Ohys-Raws] Fushigi na Somera-chan - 05 (AT-X 1280.jpg )
I love the production values.
>> No. 24715 [Edit]
File 14479069124.jpg - (71.56KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Fushigi na Somera-chan - 06 [720p]_.jpg )
Whelp, that's it. It's as good as over now. There's no topping this ep. It can't get any better than this.
>> No. 24720 [Edit]
File 144792050666.jpg - (50.91KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Fushigi na Somera-chan - 06 [720p]_.jpg )
Truth be told those socks would make me want to do that too...
>> No. 24768 [Edit]
File 144825176513.png - (1.70MB , 1284x721 , 1448020069813-1.png )
>> No. 24801 [Edit]
File 14485227864.jpg - (75.46KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Fushigi na Somera-chan - 07 [720p]_.jpg )
Does that mean people who walk on the ground are public property too?
>> No. 24876 [Edit]
File 144913159748.jpg - (72.60KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Fushigi na Somera-chan - 08 [720p]_.jpg )
This must have been what the creators of this anime had in mind.

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