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File 143950450314.jpg - (364.95KB , 1169x863 , 128962.jpg )
23754 No. 23754 [Edit]
I was on a chan once that had a board totally dedicated to slice of life manga and anime. They liked Aria and YKK a lot.

I am in the mood for tea time and was wondering if anyone here knew the name of that chan?
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>> No. 23755 [Edit]
after much searching, I found it

and it's dead for years

>> No. 23757 [Edit]
I wouldn't imagine any site centered around SoL anime/manga would last very long.
>> No. 23879 [Edit]
File 144095985730.gif - (2.97MB , 450x252 , 1440959092858.gif )
What's the source of this?
>> No. 23880 [Edit]
Nagi no Asukara
>> No. 23881 [Edit]
>> No. 23888 [Edit]
>> No. 23914 [Edit]
Kokoro Toshokan (2001)
>> No. 23916 [Edit]
Good shit right there.
>> No. 23972 [Edit]
The textboard is kind of a successor to ykkaria imageboard and it's still (somewhat) alive.

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