No. 23766
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There's all number of things wrong with this particular scene I think.
1. I get the town is packed, but the human race here is on the brink of extinction. Am I to believe these guards are so lacking in humanity and compassion that they're willing to gun survivors down just for trying to seek refuge?
2. There should be plenty of space for new arrivals after that last battle. Just has the new guys help remove the bodies and rebuild the houses.
3. Only people who are capable of becoming god eaters and their families are allowed to live there? Then why was that guy's mother so surprised that her kid became a god eater?
4. Those guards didn't look like god eaters. same for the people in command. In fact I've only noticed a relatively small amount of god eaters compared to the amount of housing/people shown. I think it's safe to say there's plenty of non-god eater related work for people to do.
5. Does this mean the people on that plane got this same kind of treatment? I would think Alisa would flip her shit if they tried to reject any of the people she saved.
6. Why didn't Alisa say anything about these people getting rejected and being essentially sentenced to death after the way she acted with that whole plane thing? See this is why they should have left her personality the way it was in the game and not included that whole anime original cargo plane intro.
7. In the game, Non-god eaters made a town outside of the city walls. Obviously that was removed just to create this exact same type of drama in this adaptation, but even so it seems like the natural course of action for people turned away to form a camp nearby. As it was pointed out in the game, even if they're not getting supplies from the town they're still getting some retroactive protection from the god eaters just by being in the area. It's a better alternative than the much more dangerous wastelands.
8. They said there was nothing MC could do for them, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be that hard to just sneak them in, or get Alisa and Sakuya to run their tits in the guard's faces and convince them to let the people pass, or threaten them if that doesn't work. I doubt some random guards would want to fight god eaters after all.
Only reason I haven't dropped this show yet is I already dropped so many other shows this season and had nothing else to do.