No. 23681
Surprisingly nice show. I expected nothing (Gonzo) but it's actually pretty enjoyable so far.
I'm surprised they used a couple of real seiyuu in the show (Kamiya Hiroshi, Yukari Tamura). Didn't see it coming kinda.
I like how they introduce different aspects of being a seiyuu - actual recordings, radio, interviews, units. A live event (non concert one) would be nice.
It's a bit of a shame they don't have a single character who can get her job done right, though. All of them get too nervous. I thought self-confident Ichigo who's passionate about being seiyuu would pull it off but she's weak when it comes to the real deal. Same goes for 'veteran' Rin. It's a bit poor for the balance of the group I feel. One of them should just get it done right, then Futaba would say 'uwah, [x]-san, you're amazing, I could never do that, I get too nervous' and [x]-san would say 'what are you talking about, I'm every bit as nervous'. Because that's how it ultimately works, everybody gets nervous, it's just about dealing with it.
Also while I understand why they picked FutaFuta for the protag - that kind of low self-esteem, overthinks everything character seems to be most relatable to most people - I can't say I'm happy with the choice. Princess from Planet Strawberry Ichigo or shy optimist Rin would've been so much nicer. Thankfully both of them get enough screentime so far.
We've been through this before. Gap moe.
Too bad they sung Crystal for ep 4, Crystal's OP sucks, as does everything about Crystal. I would've loved some Moonlight Densetsu.
She could totally host a radio show by herself and it'd be hella entertaining.
As much as I love ojou drills I don't think they suit her. She looks better in twintails.