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File 143604184188.jpg - (169.94KB , 1272x722 , you're-the-best-anon.jpg )
23415 No. 23415 [Edit]
This is the cutest show.
Expand all images
>> No. 23419 [Edit]
no it isnt
>> No. 23422 [Edit]
Catchy OP.
>> No. 23502 [Edit]
File 143699677799.jpg - (102.94KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Wakaba Girl - 01 [720p]_mkv_snapsho.jpg )
Do girls really attend schools just for their uniforms?
>> No. 23505 [Edit]
I saw it say so in another anime or manga, I guess enough do for it to appear in media.
>> No. 23519 [Edit]
File 143719887063.jpg - (325.33KB , 1920x1080 , cute.jpg )
Pretty cute.
>> No. 23520 [Edit]
i still haven't watched this but i plan to and i would also like to point out that this was the top thread before i posted this boring reply in it
>> No. 23531 [Edit]
The third episode was really fun.
>> No. 23576 [Edit]
File 143772513545.png - (862.95KB , 1280x720 , Wakaba Girl.png )
I like this show. The OP is pretty nice and catchy (♪ Pin pon narashite♪) , though it's a shame that he show is so short.
>> No. 23593 [Edit]
File 143778583361.jpg - (64.08KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Wakaba Girl - 02 [720p]_mkv_snapsho.jpg )
This show is great.
>> No. 23595 [Edit]
File 143779784336.jpg - (72.86KB , 1280x720 , so hows your sex life.jpg )
Tommy Wiseau would like this anime.
>> No. 23598 [Edit]
File 143780229737.jpg - (218.76KB , 1920x1080 , 547346345.jpg )
>> No. 23625 [Edit]
File 143805765868.jpg - (76.84KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Wakaba Girl - 03 [720p]_mkv_snapsho.jpg )
She's Moe!
>> No. 23627 [Edit]
File 143807743862.jpg - (100.82KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Wakaba Girl - 03 [720p]_mkv_snapsho.jpg )
Better than getting treated like you've got some horrible disease at least.
>> No. 23648 [Edit]
File 143816175357.png - (130.93KB , 344x362 , 1437301564554.png )
She sure is.
>> No. 23649 [Edit]
Too cute!
>> No. 23710 [Edit]
File 143880756855.jpg - (84.25KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Wakaba Girl - 04 [720p]_mkv_snapsho.jpg )
Now she's truly Moe.
>> No. 23717 [Edit]

Moe so moe~

What a great show this has turned out to be. I expected it to be more focused on it's original premise of Wakaba wanting to be a 'jar' but this is okay, too.

Too bad it's just one cour, I actually like these character quite a bit so it'll be a shame to say goodbye after just one cour.
>> No. 23722 [Edit]
File 143893712932.png - (631.64KB , 1280x720 , cute wakaba.png )
Wakaba can be whatever she wants to be! She'll be the best 'jar' ever! <3
>> No. 23737 [Edit]
File 143928566745.jpg - (107.32KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Wakaba Girl - 05 [720p]_mkv_snapsho.jpg )
>> No. 23740 [Edit]
File 14392860506.jpg - (59.24KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Wakaba Girl - 05 [720p]_mkv_snapsho.jpg )
>Too bad it's just one cour, I actually like these character quite a bit so it'll be a shame to say goodbye after just one cour.
I agree. With any luck this might go the way of tamayura or yama no susume and come back with a longer version.
>> No. 23744 [Edit]

It's not completely impossible but it's extremely unlikely. The original manga was compiled in one tank and it's over. I think the main reason behind 8 min eps is lack of material. Note how each ep is a self-contained story pretty much. Looks like they simply adapt it using one chapter = one ep formula (keep in mind the original is a 4koma).
>> No. 23752 [Edit]
File 143946735167.jpg - (68.37KB , 1280x720 , 25.jpg )
>> No. 23774 [Edit]
>> No. 23795 [Edit]
File 143987513689.jpg - (103.33KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Wakaba Girl - 06 [720p]_mkv_snapsho.jpg )
So umm, does she have two moms or what?
>> No. 23796 [Edit]
that's her sister
>> No. 23797 [Edit]
How kinky~
>> No. 23907 [Edit]
File 144126796179.png - (659.22KB , 1280x720 , gvyiiyvyigv.png )
So I noticed that the OP changed a bit. I think that the VAs probably sung the song, but I'm not entirely sure since I did no kind of research on this and am too lazy to do so.

Wakaba is so cute!
>> No. 23910 [Edit]
File 144135734961.jpg - (55.71KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Wakaba Girl - 09 [720p]_mkv_snapsho.jpg )
They did switch the singers to the seiyuus. I quite like this version. It's charming.

Meido Wakaba is also cute!
>> No. 23931 [Edit]
Your butt is pretty strange
>> No. 23934 [Edit]
I'm sorry but I'm not touching your butt!
>> No. 23987 [Edit]
File 144261007219.png - (644.97KB , 1280x720 , Winter Wakaba.png )
Wakaba looks so great wearing this! She's just so cute!

I hope she doesn't lose her friends because I don't want her to be sad. ;_;
>> No. 23989 [Edit]
and nothing at all
>> No. 23995 [Edit]
File 144281955785.jpg - (69.53KB , 1280x720 , no you piece of shit.jpg )
>> No. 23999 [Edit]
File 144286286856.jpg - (82.79KB , 378x360 , 1442658140398.jpg )
>> No. 24029 [Edit]
File 144326765340.png - (479.83KB , 1280x720 , Wakaba being especially cute.png )
Well, I guess that that's it. I'm glad that things turned out well and that Wakaba got to stay with her friends.

I'm gonna miss Wakaba and this show.
>> No. 24077 [Edit]
File 144369267387.jpg - (57.14KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Wakaba Girl - 13 [720p]_mkv_snapsho.jpg )
The Wakaba Girls were great.
>> No. 24082 [Edit]
File 144371339797.png - (415.95KB , 640x720 , 1437305220567.png )

You're 100% right.
>> No. 24085 [Edit]
File 144378676837.jpg - (93.00KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Wakaba Girl - 10 [720p]_mkv_snapsho.jpg )
Every time I see this I can't help but wonder. How is she even holding that thing up?
>> No. 24090 [Edit]
She's a gyaru magician.
>> No. 24106 [Edit]
Ah, it's over. Shame, I'll miss it. This was easily my favorite SoL this year, although there's still more Gochiusa to look forward to.
Very disappointing that the show sold so poorly, though. It doesn't matter much as they probably exhausted all the manga material and S2 wasn't happening either way but I thought it was very well made overall and they just earned themselves those good sales. Too bad.
>> No. 24469 [Edit]
File 144624965487.png - (1.21MB , 1280x720 , [Ohys-Raws] Wakaba Girl - 14 OVA (BD 1280x720 x264.png )
The OVA is out!

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