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File 143456015378.jpg - (144.91KB , 418x592 , StarshipTroopers.jpg )
23312 No. 23312 [Edit]
June watch-togethers: part 2 is here! This time we're gonna watch Starship Troopers OVAs. Sorry about the late announcement - things happened.

The schedule is as follows:
▶ Episodes 1 and 2 this week on Friday (19th) at 8:30PM GMT
▶ Episodes 3 and 4 this week on Saturday (20th) at 8:30PM GMT
▶ Episodes 5 and 6 this week on Sunday (21th) at 8:30PM GMT

As always we're using syncplay. You can download it here: http://syncplay.pl/

Room: tc
Address: syncplay.pl:8995

We're using this release: https://bakabt.me/torrent/131719/starship-troopers-uchuu-no-senshi-y-f

Over and out.

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