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File 143353472462.jpg - (57.96KB , 350x493 , 808.jpg )
23254 No. 23254 [Edit]
It's time for the first of June watch-togethers guys. We're starting with Cyber City Oedo 808.

The schedule is as follows:
▶ Episode 1 next week on Friday (12th) at 9PM GMT
▶ Episode 2 next week on Saturday (13th) at 9PM GMT
▶ Episode 3 next week on Sunday (14th) at 9PM GMT

As always we're using syncplay. You can download it here: http://syncplay.pl/

Room: tc
Address: syncplay.pl:8995

We're using this release: http://bakabt.me/160123-cyber-city-oedo-808-remastered-r2dvd-rip.html

Well, that's about it, hope to see you next week.
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>> No. 23300 [Edit]
File 143435215944.jpg - (38.43KB , 714x480 , Cyber City Oedo 808 - 02 - Remastered R2JDVD (H264.jpg )
I love the art style and animation, it's just so great at times. Truly classic stuff.
>> No. 23301 [Edit]
It was silly but it was fun. Ep 2 best ep. Too bad the series ended with just 3 OVAs.

We might watch something else next week, stay tuned for more info.
>> No. 23305 [Edit]
File 143441066951.jpg - (30.55KB , 714x480 , Cyber City Oedo 808 - 02 - Remastered R2JDVD (H264.jpg )
Yeah Ep 2 really was the best.

It is a tad lame that it's all only 3ep but they work well enough with each one focusing on a different character.
My only major complaint is the use of strobe backgrounds. I'm really glad they don't do that shit in anime much anymore. They make it really hard to even look at the screen sometimes, especially if you're watching in the dark.
>> No. 23306 [Edit]
File 143441116124.jpg - (41.26KB , 714x480 , Cyber City Oedo 808 - 02 - Remastered R2JDVD (H264.jpg )
I love this line here.
"Even criminals have rights."
This coming from a guy that rounded up some criminals to put collars on their necks and threatens to blow their heads off if they don't do what he tells them.
>> No. 23310 [Edit]

>My only major complaint is the use of strobe backgrounds. I'm really glad they don't do that shit in anime much anymore. They make it really hard to even look at the screen sometimes, especially if you're watching in the dark.

Goddamn those were so annoying. Thank God there are only a couple of them.
I remember watching GaoGaiGar a couple years ago and it kept abusing that strobing effect all the time. That sure wasn't fun.

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