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File 143156824995.png - (60.51KB , 452x102 , alice.png )
23123 No. 23123 [Edit]
i just saw the taneshima banner & it reminded me of how massively excited i am for WORKING!!!!! next season.
pic unrelated - couldn't locate the relevant banner
>> No. 23124 [Edit]
Damn I sure have fallen behind. Here I was thinking the third season was coming up, but they're already up to season seven? wow...
>> No. 23127 [Edit]
there is no correlation between the number of punctuation marks and the season number in this particular anime.
>> No. 23129 [Edit]
Well from what I can gather there seems to be a possible pattern that ends in seven being WORKING!!!!!.
season 1: WORKING!!
season 2: WORKING'!!
season 3: WORKING!!!
season 4: WORKING'!!!
season 5: WORKING!!!!
season 6: WORKING'!!!!
season 7: WORKING!!!!!

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