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File 143123992664.jpg - (92.54KB , 567x589 , 1354784681201.jpg )
23063 No. 23063 [Edit]
Why are all the anime downloads of this season horriblesubs and horriblesubs remakes? Even the new haruhi which should be high demand
What's happening
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>> No. 23066 [Edit]
File 143124049587.jpg - (34.40KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Sta.jpg )
I think the jews at crunchyshit and fuckimation have probably been pressuring fansubbers a lot more.
Whatever the case may be it fucking sucks. crunchyroll videos are pretty shitty quality, and it pisses me off how they censor and edit shit sometimes.

<-- His name is Vanilla Ice you fucking faggots, Not cool ice!
what the fuck?!
Since when is it a copyright violation to fucking type out the name "Vanilla Ice"? What you can't even mention people's names? They already very clearly say "Vanilla Ice", what fucking difference does it make if you type it out too? God damn fucking jew bastards...
I'm surprised they don't just mute the end credits all together. They already edited out the name "Oingo Boingo" on that one book after all.
>> No. 23068 [Edit]
Starting to seem that way. Even the few groups that are out there still seem to keep falling behind scheduled once a show gets around four ep in.
Used to be I'd follow up on some particular group, they'd fall behind half way into a show so I'd check out their blog to see what's up. More often than not what I'd find is them bitching about 'having a life' and/or quoting "collage" or "finals" as the reason for delays. Maybe all the young adults out there have finally graduated those collages they always used as an excuse for delays and now are in the working world with no time to sub anything anymore and have more important things to prioritize. Meanwhile the younger generation these days seems far too lazy and entitled to try contributing anything. The idea has been mentioned many times but I still think [TC] would be a really neat project for us to undertake. It'll never happen but a guy can dream...
>> No. 23074 [Edit]
So you're telling me that people are no longer willing to spend a good chunk of their free time to translate things for you because - unlike them - you were too lazy to put in some effort and learn the language yourself. Gotcha. That does sound truly awful, my condolences.
>> No. 23075 [Edit]
Calm down weebshit. They didn't spend a good chunk of their time because of me. You know, they decided to start doing all that translation stuff. And I'm not complaining or getting angry they're stopping, I was just wondering if something was happening because it is unusual.
I'm also not going to waste time learning several thousands completely new to me symbols and words just to in a few years fully understand cartoons more complicated than high school sols, if that's what you are suggesting to do.
I assume you are implying you did with this post and are trying to brag about it but this isn't really the thread for it.
I already learned english on my own which I use for many things, that's enough for me.

Post edited on 10th May 2015, 5:25am
>> No. 23076 [Edit]

>I'm also not going to waste time learning several thousands completely new to me symbols and words just to in a few years fully understand cartoons more complicated than high school sols, if that's what you are suggesting to do.

I hate to admit it but it seems we share at least some opinions.

>I assume you are implying you did with this post and are trying to brag about it but this isn't really the thread for it.

Brag about what exactly? I don't remember bragging about anything.
It's just that I'm absolutely sick of seeing people who complain about lack of proper fansub groups these days and I hear more such complaints with each passing day. In the overwhelming majority of these cases the general tone is 'why is nobody subbing this? I don't want to use HorribleSubs! somebody should make a better release for me!'.
You get what you pay for.
Nevermind the fact that CR and Funi are doing an okay job at translating things nowadays - most of people who complain about their translations are either seemingly stuck in ~2008 or willing to nitpick about the tiniest, least important details (while conveniently ignoring the fact that fansub groups are prone to even bigger mistakes).
It's just that the video and audio quality is absolutely awful. Most of their series could use an editor or a QCer, too. Note how none of this requires anybody to be able to translate a single word from Japanese to English.
>> No. 23080 [Edit]
>anime downloads

lol seriously? you still download anime? thats cute. do you get the eps off eMule? chat about the latest releases on IRC while updating your geocities page?
>> No. 23084 [Edit]
Teach us your ways, alpha nerd!
>> No. 23090 [Edit]
Whom are you quoting?
>> No. 23091 [Edit]
himself I guess?
>> No. 23095 [Edit]
>> No. 23107 [Edit]
Is this real?

I know better than to doubt things like this since people seem to run on perpetual stupidity, but why?

Did they change Cream's name into Cube or something just as stupid to fit the pun or did they just half ass it and leave it as is?
>> No. 23109 [Edit]
File 143144551918.jpg - (30.24KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Sta.jpg )
Yeah, there was also an instance where they said the name but left it out of the subs.

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