No. 23064
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, Houkago no Pleiades - 05.jpg
I knew exactly where this was going the second it started. God I wish I had a dollar for every time I've seen this ep's scenario play out. I mean serious it's starting to feel like the writers in the anime industry enjoy playing a game of plagiarism where they try to see how much they can get away with before anyone notices.
Also didn't help much that the dress intended for the character with the black color theme was made blue. Was it honestly supposed to be a surprise it'd end up on the blue themed girl?
Oh and good job completely ignoring the fact that those two girls have very different proportions and a dress tailor made over more than a week for one couldn't possibly be adjusted that quickly for the other, let along all the lines they studied and rehearsed getting tossed out the window at the last minute. Then there's the big middle finger they gave to everyone that voted them into their possessions. I know the theme of the ep was thinking about what you want and not what other people want from you, but that still kinda defeats the point of the whole voting thing if anyone can just say at the last minute "nah fuck this shit I wanna play a different role". I would think if they were going off a voting system instead of a volunteer system that sort of thing wouldn't be allowed. Pretty sure the director of that play would tell them to go fuck themselves and stick with the roles they've been assigned and have been rehearsing for the past however long they've been at it.